Aguilar, James
Hey all. Another question that I'm having trouble with. I want to make
something of a really complicated declaration (in this case, declaring
parameters). Can you tell me how I would write this? I have a type called
"Point" and I want to pass a reference to an array of pointers to Points.
Currently, the function signature is like this:
PointPair bruteforce(int n, Point* lst[]);
But I think it should be something like (Point* [])& lst) Is that at all
right? What is right? The reason why is because I don't want to pass the
whole honking array, cause it's going to be on the order of ten thousand
elements. I'd rather just do it with a reference.
something of a really complicated declaration (in this case, declaring
parameters). Can you tell me how I would write this? I have a type called
"Point" and I want to pass a reference to an array of pointers to Points.
Currently, the function signature is like this:
PointPair bruteforce(int n, Point* lst[]);
But I think it should be something like (Point* [])& lst) Is that at all
right? What is right? The reason why is because I don't want to pass the
whole honking array, cause it's going to be on the order of ten thousand
elements. I'd rather just do it with a reference.