regarding a counter file



My requirement is as below:
I want a counter of 3 numbers and it will count and keep the last count
as it is.
The second time i open and run this script and press count buttons it
should start counting from the last counter value.
Each time a count button is pressed it should be loged in to a txt file
with date and time.
I have written the script but not able to print the date and time in to
the log file.
The most important thing is that i want to save the last count and the
counter should start from the last saved counter when i run this script
Please go through the script and suggest something.
Thanks in advance.

The below is my script:
use strict;
#use warnings;
use Tk;
use Win32::Console;

my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window
my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame() -> pack();

my $But_5 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Counter of 5", -command
=>\&Addition_5) -> pack();
my $But_10 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Counter of 10", -command
=>\&Addition_10) -> pack();
my $But_20 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Counter of 20", -command
=>\&Addition_20) -> pack();

my $Save = $mw -> Button(-text=>" Save ", -command =>\&Save_Resulet)
-> pack();

my $Res;
sub Save_Result

#Text Area
my $txt = $mw -> Text(-width=>45, -height=>8,-background =>
'white',-font => "Arial 11 bold", -foreground => "black") -> pack();
open (fh,">>counter_log.txt") or die "can't open counter_log.txt $!\n";
print fh "###### Started ######\n\n";
#This is executed when the button is pressed

sub Addition_5
print fh "check\n";
print fh `date /t`;
print fh `time /t`;
$txt -> insert('end',"The Addition is: $Res\n\n");
print fh "The Addition is: $Res\n";
sub Addition_10
$txt -> insert('end',"The Addition is: $Res\n\n");
print fh `date /t`;
print fh `time /t`;
print fh "The Addition is: $Res\n";
sub Addition_20
$txt -> insert('end',"The Addition is: $Res\n\n");
print fh `date /t`;
print fh `time /t`;
print fh "The Addition is: $Res\n";


andy said:
My requirement is as below:
I want a counter of 3 numbers and it will count and keep the last count
as it is.
The second time i open and run this script and press count buttons it
should start counting from the last counter value.
Each time a count button is pressed it should be loged in to a txt file
with date and time.
I have written the script but not able to print the date and time in to
the log file.
The most important thing is that i want to save the last count and the
counter should start from the last saved counter when i run this script
Please go through the script and suggest something.
Thanks in advance.

The below is my script:
use strict;
#use warnings;
use Tk;
use Win32::Console;

my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window
my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame() -> pack();

my $But_5 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Counter of 5", -command
=>\&Addition_5) -> pack();
my $But_10 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Counter of 10", -command
=>\&Addition_10) -> pack();
my $But_20 = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Counter of 20", -command
=>\&Addition_20) -> pack();

my $Save = $mw -> Button(-text=>" Save ", -command =>\&Save_Resulet)
-> pack();

my $Res;
sub Save_Result

#Text Area
my $txt = $mw -> Text(-width=>45, -height=>8,-background =>
'white',-font => "Arial 11 bold", -foreground => "black") -> pack();
open (fh,">>counter_log.txt") or die "can't open counter_log.txt $!\n";
print fh "###### Started ######\n\n";
#This is executed when the button is pressed

sub Addition_5
print fh "check\n";
print fh `date /t`;
print fh `time /t`;
$txt -> insert('end',"The Addition is: $Res\n\n");
print fh "The Addition is: $Res\n";
sub Addition_10
$txt -> insert('end',"The Addition is: $Res\n\n");
print fh `date /t`;
print fh `time /t`;
print fh "The Addition is: $Res\n";
sub Addition_20
$txt -> insert('end',"The Addition is: $Res\n\n");
print fh `date /t`;
print fh `time /t`;
print fh "The Addition is: $Res\n";

one more thing each time i press a count button i want to clear the
previous text from the
text box of the GUI.
How will i do that.

John W. Krahn

andy said:
My requirement is as below:
I want a counter of 3 numbers and it will count and keep the last count
as it is.
The second time i open and run this script and press count buttons it
should start counting from the last counter value.

use Tie::File;

my $counter_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.counter_file";

tie my @counters, 'Tie::File', $counter_file
or die "Cannot open '$counter_file' $!";

# initialize @counters if this is the first time
@counters = ( 1, 2, 3 ) unless @counters;

my $current_counter = shift @counters;

# code that uses the $current_counter

push @counters, $current_counter;

untie @counters;

Each time a count button is pressed it should be loged in to a txt file
with date and time.
I have written the script but not able to print the date and time in to
the log file.

print LOG_FILE scalar localtime, " counter = $current_counter\n";

Or if you want more control over the date and time formats:

use POSIX 'strftime';

print LOG_FILE strftime( '%x %X', localtime ), " counter = $current_counter\n";


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