Regarding Testing Mixins


James Herdman

How does one write a unit test for a mixin? I gathered since our unit
test is a class (TestClassName < Test::Unit::TestCase), we could just
include said module into said class. However, I've ran into a problem.

Suppose my project directory is as follows:

../project_dir/trunk/lib # Where all my classes and scripts go
../project_dir/trunk/tests # Where all my tests go

My mixin resides in the lib folder, and normally I use this neat trick
to handle this discreprancy in file locations:

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") # Thank you Pick Ax!

Why doesn't this seem to work for mixins? Where does Ruby look for mixins?

I'm assuming it's a path problem despite the fact that Ruby groans that
the name I'm providing it is an unitialized constant (e.g. include
Mixin -- if I write include "Mixin", Ruby tells me "wrong argument type
String (expected Module)")

Thank you,

James Herdman


How does one write a unit test for a mixin? I gathered since our unit test
is a class (TestClassName < Test::Unit::TestCase), we could just include said
module into said class. However, I've ran into a problem.

Suppose my project directory is as follows:

../project_dir/trunk/lib # Where all my classes and scripts go
../project_dir/trunk/tests # Where all my tests go

My mixin resides in the lib folder, and normally I use this neat trick to
handle this discreprancy in file locations:

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") # Thank you Pick

Why doesn't this seem to work for mixins? Where does Ruby look for mixins?

I'm assuming it's a path problem despite the fact that Ruby groans that the
name I'm providing it is an unitialized constant (e.g. include Mixin -- if I
write include "Mixin", Ruby tells me "wrong argument type String (expected

Thank you,

James Herdman

a) you still must require your mixin using the __FILE__ method
b) then you mix it in as normal


require 'mixin'

class Test < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Mixin

make sense?



James Herdman

a) you still must require your mixin using the __FILE__ method
b) then you mix it in as normal


require 'mixin'

class Test < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Mixin

make sense?



Indeed! Thank you. I feel like a dolt, but now I'll never forget again =)

James Herdman

James Edward Gray II

Suppose my project directory is as follows:

../project_dir/trunk/lib # Where all my classes and scripts go
../project_dir/trunk/tests # Where all my tests go

My mixin resides in the lib folder, and normally I use this neat
trick to handle this discreprancy in file locations:

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") # Thank
you Pick Ax!

Just FYI, you can also solve this by running your tests (from the
root project directory) with something like:

$ ruby -I lib:test test/ts_all.rb

If you use Rake, it will automatically add the directories for your
test tasks.

James Edward Gray II

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