Another regex possibility:
my $src = 'apple';
my $src_sort = join '', sort split //, $src;
my @targets = qw( pal lap leap all peel );
for my $target ( @targets ) {
my $target_re = join '.*?',
sort split //,$target;
printf( "'%s' %s be made from '%s'\n\n",
$src_sort =~ /$target_re/
? 'can' : 'cannot', $src
Looks clever, but there is a significant disadvantage for what I
perceive to be the requested usage scenario. In your version, a new
regex needs to be computed from scratch each time a word is checked.
Anyhow, here is a version that overcomes that deficiency. I don't think
it would be very slow either.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $src = 'apple';
my $src_re = qr{
\A@{[ join '', map { "$_?" } sort split //, $src ]}\z
my @targets = qw( pal lap leap all peel );
for my $target ( @targets ) {
my $target_canon = join '', sort split //, $target;
printf( "'%s' %s be made from '%s'\n\n",
$target_canon =~ $src_re ? 'can' : 'cannot',
C:\DOCUME~1\asu1\LOCALS~1\Temp> s
'pal' can be made from 'apple'
'lap' can be made from 'apple'
'leap' can be made from 'apple'
'all' cannot be made from 'apple'
'peel' cannot be made from 'apple'
C:\DOCUME~1\asu1\LOCALS~1\Temp> t
Rate re with_hash re_o
re 9335/s -- -40% -43%
with_hash 15512/s 66% -- -6%
re_o 16469/s 76% 6% --
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw( cmpthese );
cmpthese -1, {
with_hash => sub {
my $src = 'apple';
my @targets = qw( pal lap leap all peel );
my %src;
++ $src{ $_ } for split //, $src;
my $hash_checker = sub {
my ($target) = @_;
my @target = split //, $target;
for my $x ( @target ) {
return unless exists $src{ $x };
return unless $src{ $x }--;
return 1;
for my $target ( @targets ) {
my $x = $hash_checker->( $target );
re => sub {
my $src = 'apple';
my $src_sort = join '', sort split //, $src;
my @targets = qw( pal lap leap all peel );
my $re_checker = sub {
my ($target) = @_;
my $target_re = join '.*?', sort split //,$target;
$src_sort =~ /$target_re/;
for my $target ( @targets ) {
my $x = $re_checker->( $target );
re_o => sub {
my $src = 'apple';
my $src_re = qr{
\A@{[ join '', map { "$_?" } sort split //, lc $src ]}\z
my @targets = qw( pal lap leap all peel );
for my $target ( @targets ) {
my $target_canon = join '', sort split //, lc $target;
my $x = ( $target_canon =~ $src_re );
A. Sinan Unur <
[email protected]>
(remove .invalid and reverse each component for email address)
comp.lang.perl.misc guidelines on the WWW: