hay. i have read some topics about this. but there's something i don't
quite understand, if anyone can help.
i have text, in it i want to highlight the words user used to find this
i used the normal replace, it worked fine except the case thing...
SearchForSp = Split(SearchFor, " ")
For i = 0 to Ubound(SearchForSp)
EmpJobsText = Replace(EmpJobsText, SearchForSp(i), "<strong><u><font
color=red>"&SearchForSp(i)&"</font></u></strong>", vbTextCompare)
i tried to use the regEx.Repalce from the examples in groups but just
couldn't find a way. problem is in the normal replace function i have
option to supply a source. in this case "EmpJobsText" is the source.
but regEx.Repalce don't seem to have place to type where to replace,
only what to replace with what.
quite understand, if anyone can help.
i have text, in it i want to highlight the words user used to find this
i used the normal replace, it worked fine except the case thing...
SearchForSp = Split(SearchFor, " ")
For i = 0 to Ubound(SearchForSp)
EmpJobsText = Replace(EmpJobsText, SearchForSp(i), "<strong><u><font
color=red>"&SearchForSp(i)&"</font></u></strong>", vbTextCompare)
i tried to use the regEx.Repalce from the examples in groups but just
couldn't find a way. problem is in the normal replace function i have
option to supply a source. in this case "EmpJobsText" is the source.
but regEx.Repalce don't seem to have place to type where to replace,
only what to replace with what.