[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]
The reason why it's acting like this is because Regexes try to find the
largest possible match from your expression. Hence, your expression
will return the first match (and largest) "a,b,"
Im sure you're asking this for a bigger reason, so you have to refine your
regular expression for that specific purpose. if you just want to split
based on a "," then simply do 'a,b,c'.split(',') which returns an array
["a", "b", "c"]
If any other, please post the actual problem.
%r{(\w,)+}.match('a,b,c').to_s[0..1] #=> "a,"
2008/4/2 said:
Given that:
%r{(\w,)+}.match('a,b,c')[0] #=> "a,b,"
%r{(\w,)+}.match('a,b,c')[1] #=> "b,"
How do I access the capture that contains "a,"?