raven said:
Thanks for the enlightening reply. Sorry for being vague in my
specification. I am simply tracking the printers, their IPs and the
current disabled/enabled status. In the future I'm sure I'll add more
functionality. Below is the the output of the various commands and the
lpstat -vsacprn05
device for sacprn05: /dev/null
remote to: RNP6C8BF9 on
#!/usr/contrib/bin/perl -w
# Printer interfaces directory
my $interface = "/etc/lp/interface";
# Printer Array
my @printers = ();
# Get a list of printers
open PRINTER, "lpstat -p |";
You should _ALWAYS_ verify that the pipe opened correctly.
while (<PRINTER>) {
if (/^printer (\w+).*?(enabled|disabled)/) {
# Push an anonymous hash REFERENCE onto the array
push @printers, { "name" => "$1", "ip" => "none", "status" =>
"$2" };
Excessive quoting. The only thing that needs to be quoted is the string
You should _ALWAYS_ verify that the pipe closed correctly.
# Gather the IP address of each printer
foreach $printer (@printers) {
open PRINTER, "lpstat -v$$printer{name} |";
You should _ALWAYS_ verify that the pipe opened correctly.
while (<PRINTER>) {
next if /^device.*/;
if (/^\s+remote.*?(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})/) {
^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^
Dots are special in regular expressions. You need to escape them to
match a literal dot character.
$$printer{ip} = $1;
close PRINTER;
You should _ALWAYS_ verify that the pipe closed correctly.
# We hope that the printers with 'none' for IP are JetDirect
if ($$printer{ip} =~ /none/) {
open INTERFACE, "$interfaces/$$printer{name}" || die
"Cannot open file!\n";
Using the || operator there won't do what you expect. You need to
either use the 'or' operator or parenthesize the open function.
while (<INTERFACE>) {
if (/^PERIPH=(.*)/) {
$$printer{ip} = $1;
# Display the results
foreach $printer (@printers) {
print "$$printer{name} / $$printer{ip} / $$printer{status}\n";
It looks like you just need one loop for all that:
#!/usr/contrib/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Printer interfaces directory
my $interface = '/etc/lp/interface';
# Printer Array
my @printers;
# Get a list of printers
open PRINTER, 'lpstat -p |' or die "Cannot open pipe from lpstat: $!";
while ( <PRINTER> ) {
next unless /^printer (\w+).*?((?:dis|en)abled)/;
# Push an anonymous hash REFERENCE onto the array
push @printers, { name => $1, ip => 'none', status => $2 };
if ( `lpstat -v $printers[-1]{name}` =~
/^\s+remote.*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/m ) {
$printers[ -1 ]{ ip } = $1;
else {
local $/;
open INTERFACE, "$interfaces/$printers[-1]{name}"
or die "Cannot open $interfaces/$printers[-1]{name}: $!";
$printers[ -1 ]{ ip } = $1 if <INTERFACE> =~ /^PERIPH=(.*)/m;
close PRINTER or die "Cannot close pipe from lpstat: $!";
# Display the results
foreach my $printer ( @printers ) {
print join( ' / ', @{$printer}{ qw/name ip status/ } ), "\n";