It is supported starting Ruby 1.9, which uses Onigurama as Patter Matchin= g
Engine. Actually there is no support for look-behind patterns in Ruby.
Just as a clarification[1] for English speakers, the use of the word
"Actually" above is not contradictory. Many English idioms use the
word "actually" to denote the reality of a situation as opposed to a
desired or imagined situation. But as used here it means the /current/
reality as opposed to some future reality. You can read the sentence
above as "[Currently] there is not support...", but there *will* be
support in 1.9.
For the non-native English speakers, it is often best to reserve the
word "actually" for contrast against hypothetical situations and the
word "currently" for contrast against past of future situations.
Jacob Fugal
[1] This post is *NOT* a flame nor a correction of Wolfgang's English.
I don't want the whole newsgroup/list pretending they're native
English speakers. I like the diversity. I just wanted to make sure
there wasn't any confusion... primarily since I was confused myself
for the few seconds before my rusty spanish grammar kicked in.