regular expression ,... and session variables.....


Al Jones

This was originally posted in the VBScript forum, several of my other
questions have been vbscript related, one of the fine fellows there suggest
I might want to post it as well in the jscript group, so since I'm heading
toward staching these values in session vars I figured I'd toss it out here
as well..

I'm back with something that makes no sense to me .... as far as I can see
the three if statements are identical except for the input. One is the
regular phone, then cell phone and then the fax .....

function validForm( passform) {
<< other validation skipped >>
re = /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[\.\-\/ ]?(\d{3})[\.\-\/ ]?(\d{4})$/
validPhone = re.exec(passForm.fldPhone.value);
if ( validPhone ) {
passForm.fldPhone.value = "(" + validPhone[1] + ") " + validPhone[2] +
"-" + validPhone[3];
else {
errList += " a valid phone number\n";
if (!hasError) {
hasError = true;
if ( passForm.fldCell.length > 0) {
recell = /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[\.\-\/ ]?(\d{3})[\.\-\/ ]?(\d{4})$/
validCell = recell.exec(passForm.fldCell.value);
if ( validCell ) {
passForm.fldCell.value = "(" + validCell[1] + ") " + validCell[2] + "-"
+ validCell[3];
else {
errList += " if entered the cell must be a valid phone number\n";
if (!hasError) {
hasError = true;
if ( passForm.fldFax.length > 0) {
refax = /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[\.\-\/ ]?(\d{3})[\.\-\/ ]?(\d{4})$/
validFax = refax.exec(passForm.fldFax.value);
if ( validFax ) {
passForm.fldFax.value = "(" + validFax[1] + ") " + validFax[2] + "-" +
else {
errList += " if entered the fax must be a valid phone number\n";
if (!hasError) {
hasError = true;
<< handle the error and redirect to the next form >>

THey shouldbe identical since I copied the first one and made the requisit
changes for the cell and fax. However the output (as show in the session
variables into which they are stashed)

Session("svPersonPhone") = Request.Form("fldPhone")
Session("svPersonCell") = Request.Form("fldCell")
Session("svPersonFax") = Request.Form("fldFax")

show up as follows:

SVPERSONPHONE - (123) 123-1234
SVPERSONCELL - 4564564567 <<== notice not formatted ...
SVPERSONFAX - 7897987890

initially the regular expressions were all just 're' then when I started
looking at this I changed them to 'recell' and 'refax' on the off chance
that there might be a funny in re-using a regular expression.

as always other comments are appreciated, but please also address this
issue. ((I know "picky, picky...."))

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

I suggest - FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT - that you post this in a jscript group,
regardless of where your values are headed. This is not ASP code.

Ray at work, a fine fellow

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