regular expressions in C

  • Thread starter Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
  • Start date

Ramprasad A Padmanabhan

Hi all,

I am a perl programmer and a newbie in C. Can Someone tell me How
Can I use regular expressions in C ( on Unix ) .

Suppose I am parsing a string like
"Ram Prasad" <[email protected]>
Ram<[email protected]>

And I want the email id seperated from the name
such that (for the first case )
name = "Ram Prasad"
email = (e-mail address removed)

Is there a library I can use to do this


Friedrich Dominicus

Ramprasad A Padmanabhan said:
Hi all,

I am a perl programmer and a newbie in C. Can Someone tell me How
Can I use regular expressions in C ( on Unix ) .

Suppose I am parsing a string like
"Ram Prasad" <[email protected]>
Ram<[email protected]>

And I want the email id seperated from the name
such that (for the first case )
name = "Ram Prasad"
email = (e-mail address removed)
regular expressions are not part of Standard C, you might find some
libraries for it. I suggest searching for PCRE might give you a "sort"
of déja-vu.



Ramprasad A Padmanabhan said:
Hi all,

I am a perl programmer and a newbie in C. Can Someone tell me How
Can I use regular expressions in C ( on Unix ) .

You will need to either roll your own parser or find a library (perhaps
provided by your system) that has implemented it.

Dan Pop

In said:
I am a perl programmer and a newbie in C. Can Someone tell me How
Can I use regular expressions in C ( on Unix ) .

Find a regular expression library for C and do whatever its documentation
says. C doesn't provide any intrinsic support for regular expressions.
Suppose I am parsing a string like
"Ram Prasad" <[email protected]>
Ram<[email protected]>

And I want the email id seperated from the name
such that (for the first case )
name = "Ram Prasad"
email = (e-mail address removed)

Is there a library I can use to do this

For such a trivial case, the parsing abilities of sscanf are enough:

char name[50 + 1], email[50 + 1];
char *string = "\"Ram Prasad\" <[email protected]>";
int rc = sscanf(string, "%50[^<]<%50[^>]", name, email);

will give you a trailing space after "Ram Prasad", but you can trivially
get rid of it, if needed. The same sscanf call can properly parse both
formats you mentioned. If rc != 2, the input string couldn't be parsed
as desired.

Have a look at the scanf specification to understand how it works (it's
fairly straightforward to someone used to Perl's regular expressions).



Ramprasad said:
Suppose I am parsing a string like
"Ram Prasad" <[email protected]>
Ram<[email protected]>

And I want the email id seperated from the name
such that (for the first case )
name = "Ram Prasad"
email = (e-mail address removed)

Is there a library I can use to do this

You might investigate lex. (which is OT here). However this is
such a simple scanner that you should easily be able to create
custom code for the purpose, after you decide what separates the
various parts when and what is just noise.

Vijay Kumar R Zanvar

char name[50 + 1], email[50 + 1];
char *string = "\"Ram Prasad\" <[email protected]>";
int rc = sscanf(string, "%50[^<]<%50[^>]", name, email);

You missed out conversion specifier:

int rc = sscanf(string, "%50[^<]s%50[^>]s", name, email);


Dan Pop

char name[50 + 1], email[50 + 1];
char *string = "\"Ram Prasad\" <[email protected]>";
int rc = sscanf(string, "%50[^<]<%50[^>]", name, email);

You missed out conversion specifier:

int rc = sscanf(string, "%50[^<]s%50[^>]s", name, email);

Nope, I didn't. Free clue: %s and %[ are TWO *different* conversion


stelios xanthakis

Ramprasad A Padmanabhan said:
Hi all,

I am a perl programmer and a newbie in C. Can Someone tell me How
Can I use regular expressions in C ( on Unix ) .

Suppose I am parsing a string like
"Ram Prasad" <[email protected]>
Ram<[email protected]>

And I want the email id seperated from the name
such that (for the first case )
name = "Ram Prasad"
email = (e-mail address removed)

Is there a library I can use to do this

The most efficient way to do it is with strchr ().
As for a library suggestion, I may add lwc which
has a regexp-to-C code generator. For the regexp:

RegExp email ("(.+\w)\s*<([^>]*)");

It will generate a function called email_match(char*, struct charp_len[]);
which can match strings and extract matches.

Only tested to work with gcc/glibc system though.

The URL: <>
And an example of what kind of code is generated:


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