Higgim Batham
Is there any efficient way to get the data from the following string using
the regular expressions?
Dim strTestData as String = "CST123CENTST7872828TENFST1234FEN"
In the case I am populating a variable with three values.
Customer Id : CST123CED
Where CST --->Customer ID STarting point
CED--àCustomer ID ENding point
I am keeping a value customer Id in between these two strings.
Similarly TST-> Telephone # Start point
TEN-> Telephone # ENding point
FST and FEN to store the FAX numbers.
The number of characters between start and end point will vary.
How to read the data from this string using regular expressions. I want to
read the customer Id, telephone #... etc
Higgim Batham
the regular expressions?
Dim strTestData as String = "CST123CENTST7872828TENFST1234FEN"
In the case I am populating a variable with three values.
Customer Id : CST123CED
Where CST --->Customer ID STarting point
CED--àCustomer ID ENding point
I am keeping a value customer Id in between these two strings.
Similarly TST-> Telephone # Start point
TEN-> Telephone # ENding point
FST and FEN to store the FAX numbers.
The number of characters between start and end point will vary.
How to read the data from this string using regular expressions. I want to
read the customer Id, telephone #... etc
Higgim Batham