I want to replace a key word in a file with a string. Here is a
segment of code cut out of a script I wrote to help me generate
desktop application links.
open TEMPLATE, './template.desktop' or
die("could not open template.desktop file\n");
my @template = <TEMPLATE>;
foreach (@template)
open OUTFILE, ">$ENV{'HOME'}/Desktop/$ARGV[2]" or
die("could not open output file\n");
print OUTFILE @template;
close OUTFILE;
I was just wondering if there was a better way.
Thank you to all for help on this question and all previous questions
I have submitted to this group for which all responses and
particularly certain special responses have been most helpful.
segment of code cut out of a script I wrote to help me generate
desktop application links.
open TEMPLATE, './template.desktop' or
die("could not open template.desktop file\n");
my @template = <TEMPLATE>;
foreach (@template)
open OUTFILE, ">$ENV{'HOME'}/Desktop/$ARGV[2]" or
die("could not open output file\n");
print OUTFILE @template;
close OUTFILE;
I was just wondering if there was a better way.
Thank you to all for help on this question and all previous questions
I have submitted to this group for which all responses and
particularly certain special responses have been most helpful.