Jim in Arizona
I'm new to aspnet with only limited experience with classic asp. Since
I'm on a domain and all users are authenticated. In the past using
classic asp I used request.servervariables("auth_user") to grab the
domain logon name of the user. Is there a better way or more detailed
way in aspnet? Like, instead of putting "mydomain\bobjones" into a
variable using request.servervariables("auth_user"), can I extract the
actual name "Bob Jones" from Active Directory?
I'm on a domain and all users are authenticated. In the past using
classic asp I used request.servervariables("auth_user") to grab the
domain logon name of the user. Is there a better way or more detailed
way in aspnet? Like, instead of putting "mydomain\bobjones" into a
variable using request.servervariables("auth_user"), can I extract the
actual name "Bob Jones" from Active Directory?