Response.Content Type with word document problem.



I am creating a word document from an asp page. I have no problems
actaully creating the document and creating some tables that have data
in them. I am using Response.ContentType = "application/"
to create the actual document. My problem is that I want to place a
picture (which resides on the server) into the word document as well.
However all I seem to get is the place for the image but a picture of
an "x" meaning that the picture is missing.
Any suggestions?????


Thanks but that didn't work either. I'm using the html to place the
picture in the word document. Something like this: <img alt
src=">. Is this the problem or do I
need to use Response.Write?

Anybody please help asap. I'm desperate.

Anthony Marchesini

Try saving the file your asp code is sending. Take a look at it in a text
editor (not word) and make sure everything looks right. Rename the file
from *.doc to *.htm and view it in your browser. If the pictures don't show
up there then there's still something wrong with the html your asp page is
writing. If they *do* show in the browser but *not* in Word, then you'd be
dealing with a Word issue and you'll probably have to ask your question in
another forum.

Good luck!

- Anthony


Thanks for your help. The pictures do show in the browser. I don't
think its a problem with the html the asp page is writing because then
the picture shouldn't have shown up in the browser. I think the
problem has something to do with just trying to display an image in a
word document that was created through an asp page. The problem is
definitely with asp - maybe something with the Response.ContentType
but I'm not sure so I really don't know where else I would ask this
question. Thanks for your help though, hopefully something will turn
up. Anybody, any other suggestions.

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Create a Word document displaying the image, save it as HTML and see if
there's a difference.

Bob Barrows

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