I got two imagebuttons. When I click imagebutton "melk", I would the url to show Default.aspx?anledning=an&matintoleranse=melk.
Then, when I click imagebutton "egg", I would like the url to show Default?aspx?anledning=an&matintoleranse=melk&matintoleranse=egg
Then, when I click imagebutton "egg" again, I would like the url to show
Instead, with my code, it shows Default.aspx?anledning=an&matintoleranse=melk,egg&matintoleranse=melk when I cilck the imagebutton "egg" again.
What's wrong?
My code:
I got two imagebuttons. When I click imagebutton "melk", I would the url to show Default.aspx?anledning=an&matintoleranse=melk.
Then, when I click imagebutton "egg", I would like the url to show Default?aspx?anledning=an&matintoleranse=melk&matintoleranse=egg
Then, when I click imagebutton "egg" again, I would like the url to show
Instead, with my code, it shows Default.aspx?anledning=an&matintoleranse=melk,egg&matintoleranse=melk when I cilck the imagebutton "egg" again.
What's wrong?
My code:
protected void imgBtnMelk_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
string anledning = lblanledning.Text;
string url = "Default.aspx?anledning=an";
string check = "empty";
foreach (string var in Request.QueryString)
if (Request.QueryString[var] != "" & var == "matintoleranse"
& Request.QueryString[var] != "melk")
url += "&matintoleranse=" + Request.QueryString[var];
if (Request.QueryString[var] == "melk")
check = "removed";
if (check != "removed")
url += "&matintoleranse=melk";
protected void imgBtnEgg_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
string anledning = lblanledning.Text;
string url = "Default.aspx?anledning=an";
string check = "empty";
foreach (string var in Request.QueryString)
if (Request.QueryString[var] != "" & var == "matintoleranse"
& Request.QueryString[var] != "egg")
url += "&matintoleranse=" + Request.QueryString[var];
if (Request.QueryString[var] == "egg")
check = "removed";
if (check != "removed")
url += "&matintoleranse=egg";
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