Victor Engmark
How can I restrict the value of a simple element to be before the
present date? I have the following, but it doesn't seem to be correct:
<simpleType name="created">
<restriction base="date">
<maxInclusive value="now()"/>
Also, I would like to be able to restrict this value even more, by using
something like <maxInclusive value="now(),value-of(../lastEdited)"/>.
What would the syntax be like?
present date? I have the following, but it doesn't seem to be correct:
<simpleType name="created">
<restriction base="date">
<maxInclusive value="now()"/>
Also, I would like to be able to restrict this value even more, by using
something like <maxInclusive value="now(),value-of(../lastEdited)"/>.
What would the syntax be like?