Boris Sargos
suppose we have these two functions (not very interesting, but this is for
clarity) :
-) a function Primitive that computes at t the primitive of a function
f :
double Primitive ( double(*f)(double), t);
-) a function Indicatrice that defines if the parameter t is in the
interval [i, i+1] :
double Indicatrice ( int, double );
I'd like to write a function Indicatrice_i, restriction of Indicatrice to
i, like this :
double (*Indicatrice_i)(double) = Indicatrice(i);
to use it such this manner :
for(int i ...; {
// Computation of the primitive at t
double It = Primitive ( Indicatrice_i , t );
Someone could help ?
suppose we have these two functions (not very interesting, but this is for
clarity) :
-) a function Primitive that computes at t the primitive of a function
f :
double Primitive ( double(*f)(double), t);
-) a function Indicatrice that defines if the parameter t is in the
interval [i, i+1] :
double Indicatrice ( int, double );
I'd like to write a function Indicatrice_i, restriction of Indicatrice to
i, like this :
double (*Indicatrice_i)(double) = Indicatrice(i);
to use it such this manner :
for(int i ...; {
// Computation of the primitive at t
double It = Primitive ( Indicatrice_i , t );
Someone could help ?