Denis Remezov
Bob said:Hi,
I have a std::vector, say myVec, of some user defined object, say
myOb. In my code, I have a function that searches myVec for a
particular myOb.
The way I was doing this was searching myVec for the element that has
a member equal to a value that was passed into the function. For
bool myFunc(const std::string& s)
std::vector<myOb>::iterator i = myVec.begin();
while(i != myVec.end()) {
if((*i).name == s) return true;
return false;
This hopefully returns true if the element is found, or false if not.
However, I don't really want to return true or false, I was wanting to
return either the offset from myVec.begin() (and maybe -1 if not
found), or a reference to the element itself.
How should I do this? Basically, I'm not sure how to return an offset
from begin(), and I didn't know what to return for the reference in
the case of 'element not found'. Or, should I really be returning the
iterator, and de-referencing that in my calling program?
Many thanks for your valued advice,
Without knowing the specifics of your problem, the first idea is to
return an iterator to the element if found, myVec.end() otherwise.
Don't write it as above. Look up the standard function template
std::find_if. All you need to do is to define a predicate function object
which stores a const std::string& s, accepts myOb and returns true
if s == myOb.name, something like
class MyPred {
const std::string& s_;
MyPred(const std::string& s) : s_(s) {}
bool operator()(const myOb& a) const {
return s_ == a.name;