Mike Wahler wrote:
: std:
fstream file("xyz"); /* open file named "xyz" */
Correct. But I'd like not to send the file path to the function, but the
file handler only. My function has no idea how my file is named on the disk
(or other storage device) and/or where it is located.
Never mind, I guess I'll have to send the path as well in order to close the
file and then reopen it using appropriate mode in order to delete it's
: BTW which C++ book(s) are you reading?
It's been a couple of years since I read a C++ book. The one I read hasn't
been translated to English so I guess you surely haven't heard for it. Is
there any title you can come up with which is dealing with C++ and you'd
recommend? I'd like the examples in it to be OOP rather than C-style
Thank you for your assistance,