rexml to slow


Bu Mihai

I have an xml file and sometimes i call the find_first_recursive method;
when my xml file is small its working fine but when i have ~900 lines im
waiting ~15 seconds to return me the wanted node and i want something
faster; How can i obtain a better time?

I would have tried libxml but i had some problems to install it under

Mark Ryall

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

have you tried hpricot?

Robert Klemme

I have an xml file and sometimes i call the find_first_recursive method;
when my xml file is small its working fine but when i have ~900 lines im
waiting ~15 seconds to return me the wanted node and i want something
faster; How can i obtain a better time?

What's the find criteria you use? Maybe you can use XPath. 900 lines
does not really sound large so I suspect there might be an algorithmic
or design error.

Kind regards


Bu Mihai

Robert said:
What's the find criteria you use? Maybe you can use XPath. 900 lines
does not really sound large so I suspect there might be an algorithmic
or design error.

Kind regards


this is the criteria:

node=rexml_element.find_first_recursive {|node|

Robert Klemme

Robert said:
What's the find criteria you use? Maybe you can use XPath. 900 lines
does not really sound large so I suspect there might be an algorithmic
or design error.

this is the criteria:

node=rexml_element.find_first_recursive {|node|

That's easy

doc.elements.each('//[@again="yes"]') do |node|
# any node that has attribute again with value yes

And I am pretty sure that this is faster than your approach. What does
your program do? With more context we can come up with further suggestions.

Kind regards


Bu Mihai

Robert said:
this is the criteria:

node=rexml_element.find_first_recursive {|node|

That's easy

doc.elements.each('//[@again="yes"]') do |node|
# any node that has attribute again with value yes

And I am pretty sure that this is faster than your approach. What does
your program do? With more context we can come up with further

Kind regards


I'm not sure if that will works, i have a xml file with this
structure(and it must be like this, the following example is a simple
sample of the original):
<page again="yes">page1</page>
<page again="no">page2</page>
<page againe=yes"">page3
<page again="no">page4<page>
<page again="yes">
<pages>....and so on


I have a recursive function to find all 'page' nodes with attribute
'again' 'yes but i need to start the searc from the beging of the file
or from the current node and the display all subnodes with 'yes'; after
the all nodes was founded then i need to search them again from the
begining of the file; its something like this:

def find(xml_file)
node=xml_file.find_first_recursive {|node|
if not(node==nil)
puts node.text

In this example the find function is an endless loop, somewhere i must
put a return, but i need something like that and when my file is big
(~900) i wait ~10 seconds for the command (but not always - only when
i'm starting to search from the beging of the file):
node=xml_file.find_first_recursive {|node|

Many thanks for your help Robert.

Robert Klemme

Robert said:
this is the criteria:

node=rexml_element.find_first_recursive {|node|
That's easy

doc.elements.each('//[@again="yes"]') do |node|
# any node that has attribute again with value yes

And I am pretty sure that this is faster than your approach. What does
your program do? With more context we can come up with further

I'm not sure if that will works, i have a xml file with this
structure(and it must be like this, the following example is a simple
sample of the original):
<page again="yes">page1</page>
<page again="no">page2</page>
<page againe=yes"">page3
<page again="no">page4<page>
<page again="yes">
<pages>....and so on


I have a recursive function to find all 'page' nodes with attribute
'again' 'yes but i need to start the searc from the beging of the file
or from the current node and the display all subnodes with 'yes';

You can use the XPath from the root and I believe also from a
particulara node.
the all nodes was founded then i need to search them again from the
begining of the file;

When I asked what your program does, I really meant: Can you explain in
non technical words what this program is supposed to do? Since you seem
to traverse over the same nodes over and over again I have the strong
feeling that there is a better alternative - but for that we need to
know the purpose of the program.
Many thanks for your help Robert.

You're welcome.

Kind regards


Bu Mihai

Im trying to build a map and to memorize all routes. I have a root node
wich will generate some roads and each road will generate another roads
and i have to go on all roads until there is no road unchecked.
If im on a road and that road generates new roads then to go an all
generated road i must begin my route from the begining not from the road
who generates his child roads.

<road testit="yes" again="yes" duplicate_road="no" >road1</road>
<road testit="no" again="yes"
<road testit="no" again="yes" duplicate_road="no">road2</road>
<road testit="no" again="no"

I have the root node who generate two roads: road1 and road2 and i must
verify this roads and check if each road will generate new roads; if yes
then i must set "again=yes" because that road has "childs" who must be
checked. So for example road1 generate road3 but to get to road3 i must
go to root->road1->road3 and so on... (if road3 generates 3 another
roads to go on one road i must have root->road1->road3->road3_1 or
road3_2 or road3_3)

Also i must have a attribute duplicate_road; for example if road2
generates also road3 then i will compare all checked roads till that
moment and if it is found then that means it is a duplicate road so i
mustnt check if again (again=no)

And so i can generate in xml a map with roads (for the moment i dont
care which path is shorter only to find a path from the root to the
road_x based on the xml map).


Robert Klemme

2008/3/31 said:
Im trying to build a map and to memorize all routes. I have a root node
wich will generate some roads and each road will generate another roads
and i have to go on all roads until there is no road unchecked.
If im on a road and that road generates new roads then to go an all
generated road i must begin my route from the begining not from the road
who generates his child roads.

Ok, a pretty straightforward graph problem. It is a bad idea to do
that on the raw XML data. You should create a representation of the
road data that suits your algorithm better. Then read the whole XML
only once, create that representation and implement your algorithm on
your internal representation. Doing it on the XML is certainly the
worst option.

Kind regards


Robert Klemme

2008/3/31 said:
and what do you recomand?

? I gave my recommendations already. You sure do not expect me to
code that up for you, do you?

Kind regards


Bu Mihai

Robert said:
? I gave my recommendations already. You sure do not expect me to
code that up for you, do you?

Kind regards


No of course not, i meant what algorithm would u recomand and in what
would be better to implement it (any ruby gem?)...

Thanks, i'll do a search to find out.

Marc Heiler

I believe the core problem is that XML itself is pretty sub-optimal for
almost everything ;)

Is anyone updating the REXML website by the way? I believe it would be
interesting to see exactly these kind of speed issues handled on the
website because if i am not mistaken, these questions and problems
continually pop-up with *XML

Robert Klemme

2008/3/31 said:
No of course not, i meant what algorithm would u recomand and in what
would be better to implement it (any ruby gem?)...

Ah, ok misunderstood you. Backtracking comes to mind. Before you
change the algorithm you could start by creating few classes based on
the info you have in the XML file and use those. I would have to
think longer about this to come up with more profound suggestions.



Robert Klemme

2008/3/31 said:
I believe the core problem is that XML itself is pretty sub-optimal for
almost everything ;)

As always, there are problems where this tool (XML) is suited good,
less good and not at all.
Is anyone updating the REXML website by the way? I believe it would be
interesting to see exactly these kind of speed issues handled on the
website because if i am not mistaken, these questions and problems
continually pop-up with *XML

Not sure whether I agree: IMHO in this case the problem is a
misapplication of XML. XML is good for persisting structured data but
not as an in memory model for calculations.

Kind regards


Bu Mihai

Robert said:
As always, there are problems where this tool (XML) is suited good,
less good and not at all.

Not sure whether I agree: IMHO in this case the problem is a
misapplication of XML. XML is good for persisting structured data but
not as an in memory model for calculations.

Kind regards


What is IMHO?; i'm a newbie in ruby and at first i was searching
something similary with C++ tree structure (beacause that i would use if
is was C) but i want in ruby and i was searching some gem to help me
because i have to learn more about ruby language to build my own ruby
class to work with.
I've tried xml beacuse it was the best (!?) i found in ruby for
implementing a tree structure (not only a binary tree), but it is slowly
when i want to read a big structure.

Robert Klemme

2008/3/31 said:
What is IMHO?

; i'm a newbie in ruby and at first i was searching
something similary with C++ tree structure (beacause that i would use if
is was C) but i want in ruby and i was searching some gem to help me
because i have to learn more about ruby language to build my own ruby
class to work with.

I believe it works better the other way round: understand a concept
(such as "tree", which is not too difficult) and implement it in Ruby.

Apart from that, it's easy to roll your own:

TreeNode = :data, :parent, :children do
def initialize(data = nil, parent = nil) = data
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
I've tried xml beacuse it was the best (!?) i found in ruby for
implementing a tree structure (not only a binary tree), but it is slowly
when i want to read a big structure.

900 lines XML is far from a "big structure". And XML is format for
/persistently/ storing structured data - mostly in files. An XML DOM
is nothing you want to do complex non XML operations on. because of
the overhead.

Kind regards


Bu Mihai

Thanks a lot for helping me, ive also find this
which i think it is what i want from the begining; i can build my map
with rubytree and the save it in a xml file. I will check your links

Thanks again Robert.

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