Ara.T.Howard said:
Darn. After reading Ara's post I started thinking about a way to move
more-or-less directly from a file into an image, bypassing the need to
create Magick:
ixel objects. I emailed the ImageMagick team and asked
their recommendation. The absolute fastest way to get pixel data into an
image is via the ImageMagick API that RMagick's Image::import_pixels
called ImportImagePixels. ImportImagePixels expects a C array of pixel
in scanline order, top-to-bottom, right-to-left. You can specify the data
type of the array (char, short, int, long) and the order in which the
channel data appear (RGB, RGBA, CMYK, etc.) The IM developers tell me
ImportImagePixels is optimized for the RGB case so I suspect that this
be a very - I repeat, very - fast way to load pixels into an image.
plus plus on the 'very' ;-)
Currently #import_pixels wants a Ruby array of Fixnums which it then
converts to a C array. Lotsa overhead.
Following Ara's suggestion, I was thinking about changing
#import_pixels to
accept a string (to be exact, any object that responds to to_str) in
of the array. In this case #import_pixels would simply call to_str and
assume that the result is a C array of the correct type and size and with
the channel data in the specified order and hand it off to
pixels, is_string =
case obj
when Array
[ obj, false ]
[ obj.to_str, true ]
I realize this doesn't really help you since your input data isn't in the
format ImportImagePixels wants. However, if you (or Ara, or anybody else
with an interest) have an opinion about the usefulness of this idea
I'd like
to hear it.
it sounds brilliant! but:
jib:~ > irb -r mmap -r narray
irb(main):001:0> NArray::byte(42,42).methods.grep /to_s/
=> ["to_s", "to_string"]
irb(main):002:0> Mmap::new('/home/ahoward/.bashrc').methods.grep /to_s/
=> ["to_sym", "to_str", "to_s"]
so maybe something like
cast = %w( pixels to_str to_s to_string ).select{|m| obj.respond_to? m
pixels = obj.send(cast) if cast
eg. include other likely candidates in addition to to_str. i think
it's safe
to say that any user capable of setting up a region of memory
representing an
inline image will be willing to accept any consequences of doing it
so doing a blind read is fine in this case - but that's obviously my
Actually I was thinking that NArray would meet me half-way.
Right now #import_pixels calls Kernal.Array on the `pixels' argument. My
reasoning for doing this is that this approach allows the caller to pass
any object that supports #to_ary or #to_a (including NArray objects) to
#import_pixels. (The downside for NArrays, of course, is that NArray
responds to #to_a by constructing a real Ruby array with a zillion
Now I want to filter out strings and treat them specially. Currently a
string is not a reasonable argument since Kernel.Array simply constructs
an array with the string as its only element. Not too useful for
building images. My notion was to do something like this:
if pixels.respond_to?
pixel_buffer = pixels.to_str
# pass the buffer directly to ImageMagick
pixel_array = Kernel.Array(pixels)
# convert the array to a buffer and pass it to IM
I can't think of a way this would break existing code, can you? You
could use the return value from NArray#to_s, mmap#to_str, or as
the `pixels' argument.
The upside is that for real String objects, #to_str is a no-op. The
downside, at least for NArray objects, is that #to_s makes a copy of the
data in the NArray. I've perused the NArray source code and I didn't
find a way to directly access the NArray data without making a copy.
One more complication. The ImportImagePixels function in ImageMagick
requires an argument that identifies the type of type of the data in the
pixel buffer as char (8-bit), short (16-bit) or int (32-bit).
ImageMagick will convert the data as necessary to the size it needs. It
seems to me that it would be useful to support the use of data that is
not the same size as the underlying pixel type. That is, you could
reasonably want to construct an image with 8-bit pixel data from an
NArray.sint (16-bit) object, or vice versa. So, I'm thinking that
#import_pixels should accept an optional 7th argument that indicates the
type of the incoming data (CharPixel, ShortPixel, LongPixel enum values,
probably). The default would be CharPixel. This would also make it
possible to use the same script with different configurations of
Thoughts? I'll hold off writing any code until we're in agreement.
thanks for keeping tabs on this btw.
Thanks for the idea!