rolling frame (3)



Hello all!

I don't want to abuse this group. I know, that you expect everybody to
give a solution first, when asking for help. I am afraid, that A.
Sinan Unur will pop up and will shout on me ... So forgive me, I try
nevertheless ...

I have a friend who is claiming to have the hundred percent working
roulette system. I said, that there is no such kind of system, but I
promised him to program it in Perl, just to learn this language with
an interesting project. So please don't laugh at me. I don't believe
in such childish ideas ...

I promised to keep his "system" secret. So don't tell it to
anybody :) But his "system" is so silly, that I unveil it to you
nevertheless :)

If there is a double number in a frame up to $five, play this number
$five times, just after the double number appeared. (The frame and the
number of bets are variables). If there comes this double number in
the coming five numbers:


if not


and see whether the double number comes the next game ...

Already the "rolling frame" was over my head. sln in this group
suggested the following code for it. I fired up the debugger, just to
study how this fantastic code is working. But I am unable to implement
the roulette system in this rolling frame. Would somebody be so kind
and help me with this? Perhaps even offlist, if I am bothering this

Thank you in advance


*****sln code for the rolling frame:


use warnings;
use strict;

# Variables that control buffer manipulation ...
my %Lines; # Line buffer, up to $frame lines: line => number.
my %Nums; # Number buffer, less than or equal to $frame:
number => [line,line,line]
my $Frame = 20; # Frame size, can be many times larger than Subframe
my $line = 0; # "line" counter.

# Virtual frame variable (used for rampdown and data printing)
my $vframe = $Frame;

# Variables to control number matching ...
my $rampup = 1; # 1 = process frame before it fills (no match,
for debug only), 0 = wait for full frame
my $rampdown = 0; # 1 = process last full frame until its empty
(RECOMMENDED), 0 = do not process last frame
my $subframe = 5; # Subframe size to check for number after double
(can be 1 .. # for different effects)
my $suboffset= 2; # Suboffset from 'double' where Subframe starts,
'double' is on Frame boundry (0 .. # for effects)
my $firstdouble = 1; # 1 = force first sequential double found (22)
# 0 = force last double found 22222(22), offset
should be greater than 2
# Misc ...
my ($data,$nbr,$nbr_count,$aref,$off_frame_nbr);

print <<"EOINF";

Frame size $Frame
Subframe size $subframe
Suboffset $suboffset
Rampup $rampup
Rampdown $rampdown
First double $firstdouble

while ( defined ($data = <DATA>) || ($rampdown && keys %Lines))
# Get digits
if (defined $data) {
$data =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/;
next if (!defined $1);
$nbr = $1;
$Lines{ $line} = $nbr;
unshift @{$Nums{ $nbr}}, $line; # prepend line to
} else {
$vframe = $line if ($vframe > $line);

if ( $rampup || ($vframe != $Frame) || keys %Lines ==
$vframe )
## Display/check whats in the Numbs buffer
if ( keys %Lines ) { print "\nFrame ".($line <
$vframe ? 1: $line-$vframe+1)."-$line\n" }
foreach $nbr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Nums )
$aref = $Nums{ $nbr};
$nbr_count = @$aref;
my @ln_array = reverse @$aref;

printf "%3d: %3d times at lines (%s)\n", $nbr,
$nbr_count, join(', ', @ln_array);

# Check if number is seen within a subframe at
suboffset past finding its 'double'.
# Detection of 'double' is on a frame boundry
# --------------
my ($cur,$prev,$offset,$check_subframe) =

foreach $cur (@ln_array)
if ( !($check_subframe &&
$firstdouble) && $cur == ($prev + 1)) {
$offset = $prev + $suboffset;
$check_subframe = 1;
# ---
# Force detection on frame
boundry (full frame or ramp down frame).
last if (($line - $vframe +
1) != ($offset - $suboffset));
if ($check_subframe && $cur >= $offset
&& $cur < ($offset + $subframe) ) {
print "\t\$\$ >> Found #
($nbr) !! Sequence \@ " . ($offset - $suboffset) .
", subframe = " .
$offset ."-". ($offset + $subframe - 1) .
", line = $cur\n";
$prev = $cur;
print "---------\n";

## Handle buffers
if ( keys %Lines == $vframe || !defined $data)
# Deplete line going out of frame
$off_frame_nbr = $Lines{ $line - $vframe + 1};
pop @{$Nums{ $off_frame_nbr}};
delete $Nums{ $off_frame_nbr} if (!@{$Nums
{ $off_frame_nbr}});

# Maintain Line buffer size
delete $Lines{ $line - $vframe + 1};



Robert Billing

Marek said:
Hello all!
I have a friend who is claiming to have the hundred percent working
roulette system. I said, that there is no such kind of system, but I
promised him to program it in Perl, just to learn this language with
an interesting project. So please don't laugh at me. I don't believe
in such childish ideas ...

There is a perfect system. Play roulette *exactly* *once*. If you win
(as I did in 1981) you are, for the rest of your life, one of the very
few people who have made a profit out of roulette. If you lose the
damage is minimal.

Incidentally, and this might be a more interesting project, consider
what happens if you start with say $36, and play $1 on each spin until
you either are ahead, or have no money left. Computing the probability
of the two outcomes is a quite fascinating and curiously you are more
likely to quit *slightly* ahead than lose everything, but over many
trials the house still wins. However the probability of being ahead at
some point (around 61% IIRC) goes a long way to explaining the
phenomenon of "beginner's luck" and may be the cause of some compulsive


Hello all!

I don't want to abuse this group. I know, that you expect everybody to
give a solution first, when asking for help. I am afraid, that A.
Sinan Unur will pop up and will shout on me ... So forgive me, I try
nevertheless ...

I have a friend who is claiming to have the hundred percent working
roulette system. I said, that there is no such kind of system, but I
promised him to program it in Perl, just to learn this language with
an interesting project. So please don't laugh at me. I don't believe
in such childish ideas ...

I promised to keep his "system" secret. So don't tell it to
anybody :) But his "system" is so silly, that I unveil it to you
nevertheless :)

If there is a double number in a frame up to $five, play this number
$five times, just after the double number appeared. (The frame and the
number of bets are variables). If there comes this double number in
the coming five numbers:


if not


and see whether the double number comes the next game ...

Already the "rolling frame" was over my head. sln in this group
suggested the following code for it. I fired up the debugger, just to
study how this fantastic code is working. But I am unable to implement
the roulette system in this rolling frame. Would somebody be so kind
and help me with this? Perhaps even offlist, if I am bothering this

Thank you in advance
Unfortunately, you don't realize, you have all you need to perpetuate
the loss of your money.

Nobody can understand what you say, thats why nobody responds.
I've given you the ammunition, powder and gun, but you don't know how to
use it. I've even commented the variables at the top you need to tweek.

Thats as far as I go. I will not be involved any more, that's why I didn't
respond (and closed tthe temp email I created) to your email.

You have it all there. Just take it to any friends who know code and you
have it.

I will not be involved in any kind of mechanism (device) for cheating and
I don't care about money, period! I derived a classic rolling frame without
knowing the usage intended. Had I known, I never would have spent time on it!



Unfortunately, you don't realize, you have all you need to perpetuate
the loss of your money.

Nobody can understand what you say, thats why nobody responds.
I've given you the ammunition, powder and gun, but you don't know how to
use it. I've even commented the variables at the top you need to tweek.

Thats as far as I go. I will not be involved any more, that's why I didn't
respond (and closed tthe temp email I created) to your email.

You have it all there. Just take it to any friends who know code and you
have it.

I will not be involved in any kind of mechanism (device) for cheating and
I don't care about money, period! I derived a classic rolling frame without
knowing the usage intended. Had I known, I never would have spent time onit!


I only wanted to ask politely once again some help of this group, not
of you sln. This should not be an device of cheating, and I don't care
about money either (I spent half my professional life in non-profit,
charity work for suffering children!). I thought, that this tricky
problem would be interesting for you Perl coders; it is very difficult
for me as a beginner.

In any case your rolling frame is genius and I am very grateful for
your code, also if you feel abused now. Sorry! I will try to finish
this project on myself. Much better learning effect ;-)

And sorry for my English! Hope at least this was clear enough to
enlighten my intentions.

Greetings from Munich


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