Chris Fowler
Hi All,
I have a question which will probably have a simple answer, but it is one
that has eveaded me until now. I want to create a rollover navigation bar
which does not inviolve images. I can produce it in Dreamweaver but any text
that appears on the buttons comes out blurred on the page - even if the
image resolution is high etc. I think I can produce the same effect, but
using css and client-sdie JavaScript, but am making a mess of it. Do any of
you expert out there have a simple solution they could suggest.
My thoughts are using the onmouse over events in the <td> tag to change the
cell style to a different colour. The onmouseout changing it back. So in
effect the <td> cell becomes the button. Any text should then appear crisp.
Can i attach a link to the onclick event of <td>?
Sorry if this all appears a littel numpty.
Thanks for your help
Ps AndrewU of you're out there then it's like what you hav' on your site ;-)
I have a question which will probably have a simple answer, but it is one
that has eveaded me until now. I want to create a rollover navigation bar
which does not inviolve images. I can produce it in Dreamweaver but any text
that appears on the buttons comes out blurred on the page - even if the
image resolution is high etc. I think I can produce the same effect, but
using css and client-sdie JavaScript, but am making a mess of it. Do any of
you expert out there have a simple solution they could suggest.
My thoughts are using the onmouse over events in the <td> tag to change the
cell style to a different colour. The onmouseout changing it back. So in
effect the <td> cell becomes the button. Any text should then appear crisp.
Can i attach a link to the onclick event of <td>?
Sorry if this all appears a littel numpty.
Thanks for your help
Ps AndrewU of you're out there then it's like what you hav' on your site ;-)