I'm pretty new with ASP-coding, but I got a simple login working. I let
the user enter a username and password and through a SQL-statement I
check if there is a corresponding password in the database (Yes I know,
not very good security but for the moment it's enough). Problem is that
when I enter a false user/password, I want the code to redirect to
another .asp-page which states the user is not valid. Problem lies
within the statement "if rsMOS is nothing then response.redirect
"VWGloginAgain.asp" ". Somehow, the code does not return 'nothing' but
something else.
How do I figure out what it returns? Or, how can I make sure it returns
a 'nothing' when no such password is found in the database?
Here's my code snippet ('usr' and 'ww' are defined earlier; furthermore
I've left out the redirects, but I've tested the first
if-then-conditions and they work fine... Just the 'nothing' does not
dim dsn
dim conn
dim rsMOS
dim strSQL
set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
Set rsMOS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Conn.Open dsn
strSQL = "SELECT usr FROM VWGusr WHERE pw='"&ww&"'"
rsMOS.Open strSQL,Conn
if (not rsMOS is nothing) and (Not (rsMOS.BOF And rsMOS.EOF)) and usr
= "admin" then
response.write("User is admin<br>")
end if
if (not rsMOS is nothing) and (Not (rsMOS.BOF And rsMOS.EOF)) Then
response.write("User is present in DB<br>")
end if
if rsMOS is nothing Then
response.write("Usernot present, should redirect to
end if
set rsMOS = nothing
set conn = nothing
I'm pretty new with ASP-coding, but I got a simple login working. I let
the user enter a username and password and through a SQL-statement I
check if there is a corresponding password in the database (Yes I know,
not very good security but for the moment it's enough). Problem is that
when I enter a false user/password, I want the code to redirect to
another .asp-page which states the user is not valid. Problem lies
within the statement "if rsMOS is nothing then response.redirect
"VWGloginAgain.asp" ". Somehow, the code does not return 'nothing' but
something else.
How do I figure out what it returns? Or, how can I make sure it returns
a 'nothing' when no such password is found in the database?
Here's my code snippet ('usr' and 'ww' are defined earlier; furthermore
I've left out the redirects, but I've tested the first
if-then-conditions and they work fine... Just the 'nothing' does not
dim dsn
dim conn
dim rsMOS
dim strSQL
set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
Set rsMOS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Conn.Open dsn
strSQL = "SELECT usr FROM VWGusr WHERE pw='"&ww&"'"
rsMOS.Open strSQL,Conn
if (not rsMOS is nothing) and (Not (rsMOS.BOF And rsMOS.EOF)) and usr
= "admin" then
response.write("User is admin<br>")
end if
if (not rsMOS is nothing) and (Not (rsMOS.BOF And rsMOS.EOF)) Then
response.write("User is present in DB<br>")
end if
if rsMOS is nothing Then
response.write("Usernot present, should redirect to
end if
set rsMOS = nothing
set conn = nothing