Ruby and boogers


Rick DeNatale


Found a commercial where Java Duke is contemplating about Ruby while
picking his nose and eating boogers:


Yeah but he still doesn't get it.

1. "Even RUBY looks attractive."
2. The product being advertised might help with his write bug, test,
find bug cycle time, but he's still going to get carpal tunnel from
all that extra typing!

Jano Svitok

Yeah but he still doesn't get it.

1. "Even RUBY looks attractive."
2. The product being advertised might help with his write bug, test,
find bug cycle time, but he's still going to get carpal tunnel from
all that extra typing!

Right. Perhaps he'll learn about duck typing someday ;-)

Curt Sampson

[Java blah blah blah]

Right. Perhaps he'll learn about duck typing someday ;-)

Static typing is infinitely superior to dynamic typing when done
properly. Just remember, Java's failure here is that it does it so

As far as folks using Java goes: I write software for a living. The more
of my competition use Java, the better for me.


Robert Dober

[Java blah blah blah]

Right. Perhaps he'll learn about duck typing someday ;-)

Static typing is infinitely superior
of course Curt, of course, infinitely, maybe you can give us some data
for your bold (and that's a, euphemism ;) statement.
to dynamic typing when done
properly. Just remember, Java's failure here is that it does it so

As far as folks using Java goes: I write software for a living. The more
of my competition use Java, the better for me.
That however sounds true to me.

Marc Heiler

Static typing is infinitely superior to dynamic typing when done
properly. Just remember, Java's failure here is that it does it so

Dynamic typing is infinitely superior to static typing when done
Just remember, ruby's success is because it does not enforce its
paradigm onto your brain.

Curt Sampson

What is an implementation of static typing that you would consider
done right then? A language that makes use of something like the
Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm so that types don't usually
need to be explicitly declared? Ocaml or Haskell?

Yes. I'm quite fond of Haskell.

Type classes in particular are wonderful; they get rid of that problem
in Ruby where you're always wondering which particular equality and
comparison methods you should be implementing, and which ones your
superclass can safely provide for you.

It's very comforting to write a piece of code and know that, due to the
compiler's type checking, it's impossible for someone (usually me, down
the road) to misuse it.


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