thanks, that was very illuminating, see comments below.
... snip ...
Maybe. In most cases the pkcs5_keyivgen method is not pkcs5 compliant.
I'm running ruby 1.8.5 and comments pertain to that source.
pkcs5_keyivgen eventually calls down to EVP_BytesToKey, passing the
passphrase, salt (must be exactly 8 bytes if given), iteration count
(defaults to 2048) and digest; it returns the key and IV.
the man page for EVP_BytesToKey says:
If the total key and IV length is less than the digest length and
MD5 is used then the derivation algorithm is compatible with
PKCS#5 v1.5 otherwise a non standard extension is used to derive
the extra data.
Newer applications should use more standard algorithms such as
PKCS#5 v2.0 for key derivation.
however there is no suggestion about how to get v2.0 output.
You must be using MD2, MD5, or SHA1 with RC2 or DES. Using any other
cipher (like AES) will generate your key/iv in an OpenSSL specific
You probably don't want to use your own key generation method since you
are fairly likely to make design mistakes.
I definitely *don't* want to do this, hence I was trying to figure out
how to match "enc".
Ideally you would use PKCS5 v2. Unfortunately the ruby OpenSSL module
doesn't have a hook into any of the PKCS5 v2 password generating
right, see comment above.
Below is a pure ruby PKCS5 v2 password -> key method.
thanks, but I don't want to get ahead of the ruby openssl library. of
course this *does* raise the question of how it will eventually be
incorporated. it wouldn't be a nice thing if the addition caused all
my encrypted files to be inaccessible.
... snip ...
If you are designing your own encrypted storage format there are a
number of things you should do (this is not an exhaustive list of
everything you should do, just a few pointers).
right, but I don't want to do this at all ;-).
... snip ...
Test, test, test, test and test.
There's nothing worse than finding out that you used the wrong
variable for the key and now everything is encrypted with the same
key. Or finding out later than you didn't store the key properly
and can't retrieve anything.
right, that's precisely why I was attempting to test against openssl
... snip ...
Here's a quick and dirty bit of code to encrypt/decrypt the openssl
program output.
the key in the code you provided, besides the obvious biz with the
header, is the iteration count is 1, something I wouldn't have
guessed. inspecting the openssl src for "enc" shows the same (I
should have gone there first).
the other thing I didn't figure out by messing around with "enc" is if
you don't provide it a salt, and if you don't specify -nosalt, then it
will do as you did, provide a random salt string when encrypting. I
understand the idea of salt, but specifying it on the command line
each time didn't make sense to me, and now I see that's because it
doesn't make sense ;-).
... snip ...