Ruby and Eclipse


Carl Asman

I wanted to be a unfaithful to my emacs and try the Ruby plugin for
Didn't get that far though, anyone else experienced problems with
installing the zip file ?

I downloaded the zip, and I assume that it should simply be unzipped in
the eclipse directory.
Ruby appears in "New Project" and Window->Preferences, but if I try to
create a new project, it complains. Loudly.
For example it complains that it cannot find

The automatic update does not work in my Eclipse 3.0.2, so thinking
about reinstalling Eclipse...but I am not that keen to do that so was
hoping I could put it off for some more time.




I've tried succesfully the eclipse ruby plug-in in eclipse 3.1 and
I hope it helps.


Peter Hickman

Carl said:
The automatic update does not work in my Eclipse 3.0.2, so thinking
about reinstalling Eclipse...but I am not that keen to do that so was
hoping I could put it off for some more time.
Other than a large download (50Mb if I recall), installing eclipse 3.1
involves nothing more than copying files and you can easily run two
versions in parallel. Don't be put off trying to install it, unless you
are on dial up!

The RDT plug-in works fine in 3.1

Carl Asman

Thanks for the quick replies folks.

I have understood it correctly?
That the zip file should only be unzip in the eclipse directory, and
the Ruby plugin should work immidiately when I start eclipse, without
additional configuration?

I will download the latest Eclipse, and see if that improves the



Peter Hickman

Carl said:
Thanks for the quick replies folks.

I have understood it correctly?
That the zip file should only be unzip in the eclipse directory, and
the Ruby plugin should work immidiately when I start eclipse, without
additional configuration?

I will download the latest Eclipse, and see if that improves the
No you just download and unzip eclipse 3.1 and put it where you want it
and then run it.

Then select 'Help' -> 'Software Updates' -> 'Find and Install'. Select
'Search for new features' and click 'Next >'.

Then select 'New Remote site...' and enter RDT as the name and the
following url into the url box:

Then 'Next >' and 'Ok' until it installs the plug-in.

Carl Asman

Eclipse refuses to find any hosts, I suspect that the firewall is
acting up (Eclipse is explicitly entered as allowed to reach internet,
so it should work).

I downloaded the RDT zip file and unzipped in the ecplise directory,
worked fine.



Daryl Richter

Peter said:
Other than a large download (50Mb if I recall), installing eclipse 3.1
involves nothing more than copying files and you can easily run two
versions in parallel. Don't be put off trying to install it, unless you
are on dial up!

The RDT plug-in works fine in 3.1

You don't want to unzip it into /eclipse, put it in /eclipse/plugins and

The 0.5 version works in 3.0, the 0.6 version in 3.1.


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Speaking of Ruby and Eclipse, I'd love to give RDT a shot but I literrally
cannot use an editor that doesn't support SFTP. I have been able to get the
older Klomp SFTP plugin to work with the last 2 releases of Eclipse though.
Does anyone know of an alternative?


Zach Dennis

Belorion said:
Speaking of Ruby and Eclipse, I'd love to give RDT a shot but I literrally
cannot use an editor that doesn't support SFTP. I have been able to get the
older Klomp SFTP plugin to work with the last 2 releases of Eclipse though.
Does anyone know of an alternative?

You may be able to work around this, if you have ssh access to the sftp
server, and the remote sftp server was running ftp as well. Create an
ssh tunnel for ftp to go over.

I'm guessing that by your choice of words that the server is literally
not running FTP, and only SFTP, which I think is a good thing. =) But in
that case my workaround wont work.


Tanner Burson

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This is destined for OT but...
One big beef I'd had with Eclipse for any kind of editing, is that I can't
do remote editing "cleanly" via SFTP or even FTP. I'd like to be able to
open remote files, and projects, as if they were local and work that way. S=
basically a "mount" ftp/sftp directory option. Does anyone know of such a

You may be able to work around this, if you have ssh access to the sftp
server, and the remote sftp server was running ftp as well. Create an
ssh tunnel for ftp to go over.

I'm guessing that by your choice of words that the server is literally
not running FTP, and only SFTP, which I think is a good thing. =3D) But i= n
that case my workaround wont work.


=3D=3D=3DTanner Burson=3D=3D=3D
(e-mail address removed) <---Might even work one day...


Jeff Wood

Two things:

#1 - 0.5 of the RDT was built for Eclipse 3.0 and works fine.
0.6 of the RDT was built for Eclipse 3.1 and works there.

#2 - I think it's interesting that NOBODY mentioned that this is not
the normal way to get updates and such for Eclipse.

Eclipse has a plugin management system that makes installing things
cake and makes sure they get to the right place.

Open Eclipse ( you should be using 3.1 )
Click Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install
When the dialog "Install/Update" pops up, select "Search for new
features to install" and click "Next"
On the "Install" dialog, click "New Remote Site"
Another dialog will appear "New Remote Site"
Fill in anything you want for name: I use "RDT - Ruby Development Toolkit"
Fill in for URL
Click OK.
Make sure that your new option "RDT - Ruby Development Toolkit" is
checked in the list.
Click Finish
A dialog should appear showing you that the remote server is being
queried for new packages and then a list of available packages should
Select the RDT 0.6
And follow the rest of the prompts ... Since I've already got it
installed on my system, I'm not able to continue the walkthrough.

Really, it's not hard, and it installs things appropriately and
registers them with Eclipse.

After the install completes and Eclipse restarts ...

In your menu button bar, on the right most side ( just under the
minimize/maximize/close buttons for Eclipse ) Click on the leftmost
icon ( it looks like a divided window with a small yellow plus on it
). It will drop down a menu, the last option is "Other...". Click
"Other...". A small dialog will appear and Ruby will be in the list.
Select Ruby and click ok.

On the same little toolbar you will now see Ruby as well as Java and
whatever other options were there before. Click Ruby and you are now
in Ruby Mode for Eclipse.

Phew, I hope that all made sense. Let me know if I explained anything


Zach Dennis

Tanner said:
This is destined for OT but...
One big beef I'd had with Eclipse for any kind of editing, is that I can't
do remote editing "cleanly" via SFTP or even FTP. I'd like to be able to
open remote files, and projects, as if they were local and work that way. So
basically a "mount" ftp/sftp directory option. Does anyone know of such a

Eclipse is funny about file locking, I know I tried to run Eclipse
utilizing a directory on an NFS shared and it freaked out. Now with SMB
it works fine, but I'm sure utilizing FTP/SFTP won't quite work how you
want it to.

I think you'd be better off having the option to download an FTP/SFTP
directory as a project (or at least into a project), and then have a
button in Eclipse for "Upload To Server", which would republish your
changes in that directory to an FTP/SFTP server.


D'Andrew \Dave\ Thompson

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This post was meant for installing RDT for use with Rails in Eclipse, but
will of course work with straight Ruby.

Eclipse is funny about file locking, I know I tried to run Eclipse
utilizing a directory on an NFS shared and it freaked out. Now with SMB
it works fine, but I'm sure utilizing FTP/SFTP won't quite work how you
want it to.

I think you'd be better off having the option to download an FTP/SFTP
directory as a project (or at least into a project), and then have a
button in Eclipse for "Upload To Server", which would republish your
changes in that directory to an FTP/SFTP server.


D'Andrew "Dave" Thompson


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