Brian Candler
Anybody remember Logo, a teaching language from the 80's? Its big plus was
that you could use it to drive a 'turtle' around the floor and draw shapes.
ISTM that Ruby would be an ideal environment for this - either using a
graphical display plus an irb-like shell at the bottom of the screen, or
indeed controlling a real robot turtle.
fred = Turtle.new
3.times { fred.forward 50; fred.turn 120 }
And of course,
fred = nil
would make fred disappear into thin air
But unlike Logo, this would be an introduction to a "real" programming
language. Does anything like this exist already for Ruby?
that you could use it to drive a 'turtle' around the floor and draw shapes.
ISTM that Ruby would be an ideal environment for this - either using a
graphical display plus an irb-like shell at the bottom of the screen, or
indeed controlling a real robot turtle.
fred = Turtle.new
3.times { fred.forward 50; fred.turn 120 }
And of course,
fred = nil
would make fred disappear into thin air
But unlike Logo, this would be an introduction to a "real" programming
language. Does anything like this exist already for Ruby?