That's cool tho. I figured someone out there must have gotten the same
Are you writing a full client or a library? From the code in repo it is
difficult to see.
My initial goal was to write a full client (but no tracker). But I
canceled it in favor of other more important things.
More work... But I suppose you are right. Coding RubyC for I/O-centric
stuff is an old habit based on performance superstition. From other
implementation in other than pure C, I have seen greatly varying
transfer rates... But you have the semi-working code. Have you noticed
any performance issues?
But the original BT was written in Python? I assume that there's no big
difference between Python and Ruby in performance (except that Python
has native threads).
Nope, I never got that far. Okay, I am able to read a .bittorrent
metainfo file, connect to a tracker and then finally connect to a peer
and communicate with it a bit. The peer protocol is not yet 100%
complete, but that should be very easy to do. The hard part is really
the application logic (managing the connections, choking, unchoking
etc.). If someone is interested to write this, then I would take the
time to finish the low-level peer protocol stuff.