This is ruby-dev summary 26385-26467.
[ruby-dev:26421] Subversion
Shugo Maeda proposed that we should use Subversion instead of CVS on the
Ruby development. This proposal was posted to ruby-core too.
Most Japanese developers accepted it. Matz accepted it if there is a
tool corresponds to pcl-cvs. Kouhei Sutou created a test repository on
Subverion (*1) which imported current Ruby CVS repository. Akira Tanaka
suggested that annotate (blame) function on Subversion is too slow in
comparison with CVS.
*1) http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/ruby-svn/
[ruby-core:5374] Subversion repository for tests
This issue is still open.
[ruby-dev:26463] String#each_byte and String#each_char
NARUSE, Yui proposed that Ruby HEAD should include following functions.
1) String#each_byte (without block) #=> Array
It's same function as "'string'.unpack('C*')".
2) String#each_char (without block) #=> Array
3) String#each_char (with block) #=> str
String#each_char is same as "'string'.split(//).each".
Matz rejected (1) and (2), because it's not feature for "each". He
agreed to import these method if there are any suitable name.
And Matz accepted String#each_char (with block).
Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA suggested "collect_byte" for this method.
This issue is still open.
This is ruby-dev summary 26385-26467.
[ruby-dev:26421] Subversion
Shugo Maeda proposed that we should use Subversion instead of CVS on the
Ruby development. This proposal was posted to ruby-core too.
Most Japanese developers accepted it. Matz accepted it if there is a
tool corresponds to pcl-cvs. Kouhei Sutou created a test repository on
Subverion (*1) which imported current Ruby CVS repository. Akira Tanaka
suggested that annotate (blame) function on Subversion is too slow in
comparison with CVS.
*1) http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/ruby-svn/
[ruby-core:5374] Subversion repository for tests
This issue is still open.
[ruby-dev:26463] String#each_byte and String#each_char
NARUSE, Yui proposed that Ruby HEAD should include following functions.
1) String#each_byte (without block) #=> Array
It's same function as "'string'.unpack('C*')".
2) String#each_char (without block) #=> Array
3) String#each_char (with block) #=> str
String#each_char is same as "'string'.split(//).each".
Matz rejected (1) and (2), because it's not feature for "each". He
agreed to import these method if there are any suitable name.
And Matz accepted String#each_char (with block).
Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA suggested "collect_byte" for this method.
This issue is still open.