Jonas Pfenniger
Hello ruby community,
I have a curious behavior, but I suspect it's because of my lack of
knowledge about ruby.
I'm working on an Ubuntu machine, and I wanted the latest from ruby, so
I compiled it and make install'ed it. After some time using it with no
problem, I changed my mind because some ruby extensions are just easier
to install with apt-get. I've started to remove the ruby executable and
it's friends in /usr/local/bin, so that `which ruby` gives
me /usr/bin/ruby.
The problem is, that I still have the hand-compiled version hanging
around my system and it causes some problems. For example if I run irb :
irb(main):001:0> puts $LOAD_PATH
I have a curious behavior, but I suspect it's because of my lack of
knowledge about ruby.
I'm working on an Ubuntu machine, and I wanted the latest from ruby, so
I compiled it and make install'ed it. After some time using it with no
problem, I changed my mind because some ruby extensions are just easier
to install with apt-get. I've started to remove the ruby executable and
it's friends in /usr/local/bin, so that `which ruby` gives
me /usr/bin/ruby.
The problem is, that I still have the hand-compiled version hanging
around my system and it causes some problems. For example if I run irb :
irb(main):001:0> puts $LOAD_PATH