right now I am running ruby on red hat 8. Is there a compiler for
windows vista?
windows vista?
right now I am running ruby on red hat 8. Is there a compiler for
windows vista?
t3chn0n3rd said:right now I am running ruby on red hat 8. Is there a compiler for
windows vista?
If by "compiler" you mean "interpreter," then yes. Google "ruby
+windows". If by "compiler" you mean "a thing that turns Ruby code
into object code," then no. There are no Ruby compilers. If you mean
something else, please clarify.
t3chn0n3rd said:right now I am running ruby on red hat 8. Is there a compiler for
windows vista?
James said:Except the one in jruby. oh and rubinius (is that working yet?). Oh
and 1.9.
I knew somebody would quibble. That's why I specified "a thing that
turns Ruby code into object code." Neither JRuby nor YARV is turns
code into object code. VM instructions, yes. Object code, no.
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