Installing Ruby1.8 and Ruby1.9 on the same machine is a major pain.
It is a breeze if you use Application-like approaches (like on
Gobolinux). I still, up today, wonder why there are problems with Mac OS
X + ruby.
Anyway, if you follow the FHS approach then for sure things will get
messy, because the FHS itself encourages bad practise.
Just look at the workaround provided before:
It uses versioned directories already. When will people realize that the
FHS in itself does not evolve in any way?
I do however think that these directories look ugly, and wont be in the
default search path anyway. Gobolinux would use /Programs/Ruby/1.8.6 for
this, Heretix/Rubyx did use /pkg/ruby/1.9.6 (unfortunately this
distribution died...), what PC-BSD is using I dont know but I think /pkg
too - not sure here.
that's why the suffix thing makes no sense to me
Personally, I never understood why i.e. debian makes a symlink to
ruby1.8 (or the other way around)
Versioning binaries is another hack to work around what the FHS imposes
on you - else, there would be no need for symlinking binary versions at
all, no?
PS: Gems, even if they work nicely, will forever be dependent on the
FHS, for as long as distributions use it. And thus, gems will forever
have those problems which popup again _and_ again. (rubygems are nice
though, i just think that they should be an integral part of ruby,
without the need for require 'rubygems' before any _specific_ gem is
required. This explicit requiring for rubygems is a small design
limitation imho.)