Ruby package for Linux


Jim Freeze

Ok, I know nothing about linux packages.
Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

Jim Freeze

--- Jim Freeze said:
Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

Depends on the distro, Jim (which you didn't say). The lack of information
is appauling. If you're using Debian Testing/Stable then I can say for
sure that there is.

Like I said, I know nothing. I think the distro is Red Hat 7.1, but
I don't know how to get the machine to tell me.
Mind you, I'd be more inclined to download the source and compile it


Jim Menard

Jim Freeze said:
--- Jim Freeze said:
Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

Depends on the distro, Jim (which you didn't say). The lack of information
is appauling. If you're using Debian Testing/Stable then I can say for
sure that there is.

Like I said, I know nothing. I think the distro is Red Hat 7.1, but
I don't know how to get the machine to tell me.
Mind you, I'd be more inclined to download the source and compile it


I just installed 1.8.0. All you have to do is grab the source from and type "configure", "make", and "make install". (You may
have to be root or use the "sudo" command to perform the install.)

I had problems with the CVS version because RedHat 7.1 is so old. The CVS
Ruby source comes without the configure script, which is generated by
autoconf. When I ran autoconf, it notified me that I needed a newer version
of autoconf. That's when I tried the source from


Jim Freeze

uname -a

I did that one, but it didn't tell me what I wanted to know:

Linux betty 2.4.20-20.7smp #1 SMP Mon Aug 18 14:46:14 EDT 2003 i686
And also doing:

less /etc/issue

This one did the trick:

Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
Kernel \r on an \m
Will help ascertain this. If it is RH, try issuing:

rpm -qa | grep -i ruby

rpm -q ruby

Does Linux have a remote way to query what packages are
available or a URL with a listing?

Jim Freeze

Thanks for the link.
But in anycase, just download ruby-1.8.0 from source and compile it. The
instructions are in the README file.

Boy, what a mess linux is with its multiple versions.
I think you are right. I'm not sure I can rely on a package,
especially when I need to keep a Sun version and a Linux
version in sync.

Phil Tomson

--- Jim Freeze said:
Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

Depends on the distro, Jim (which you didn't say). The lack of information
is appauling. If you're using Debian Testing/Stable then I can say for
sure that there is.

Like I said, I know nothing. I think the distro is Red Hat 7.1, but
I don't know how to get the machine to tell me.

$ uname -a

I'd second that. It's very easy to just download the tarfile, untar it,
(cd into the ruby directory)
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install


David Garamond

Jim said:
Ok, I know nothing about linux packages.
Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

i always steal ruby rpms from this site:

it's impossible not to find if you spend a minute on google.

the above rpms work with redhat 7.x. grab the src rpm and rebuild (rpm
--rebuild) on your favorite distro/version.

ruby -v from this package prints:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux-gnu]

PS: thanks, ian :)

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt


* Jim Freeze; 2003-09-22, 18:28 UTC:
I'm only a newbie to Linux packages. I have built Ruby many times
from source, for Linux, Sun and FreeBSD. What I don't know about is
linux packages, hence the questions.

Butler: 'The same procedure as with last Unix?'
Lady: 'The same procedure as with every Unix.'

Adopted from 'Dinner for One' shown every year's end in German
television since... Hmm, well, since a time before I was born >;->


Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

Jim Freeze

Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

Depends on the distro, Jim (which you didn't say). The lack of information
is appauling. If you're using Debian Testing/Stable then I can say for
sure that there is.

Like I said, I know nothing. I think the distro is Red Hat 7.1, but
I don't know how to get the machine to tell me.

$ uname -a

Doesn't tell you the distro.

Jim Freeze
I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree.
Perhaps, unless the billboards fall
I'll never see a tree at all.
-- Ogden Nash

Jim Freeze

Jim said:
Ok, I know nothing about linux packages.
Can someone tell me if there exists a package
for ruby with the version:

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i686-linux]

i always steal ruby rpms from this site:

it's impossible not to find if you spend a minute on google.

the above rpms work with redhat 7.x. grab the src rpm and rebuild (rpm
--rebuild) on your favorite distro/version.

Now that's pretty neat.
Another stupid question: I noticed some binary rpm's
for ruby. Do the binary installs have a fixed install

If not, how to they modify the internal $LOAD_PATH's
that are stored in the ruby binary?

Martin DeMello

Phil Tomson said:
$ uname -a

Does any distro actually put its name in uname? Just checked RedHat (9)
and Debian (3.0), and they only have the kernel info in uname, and the
distribution info in /etc/issue.


Phil Tomson

Does any distro actually put its name in uname? Just checked RedHat (9)
and Debian (3.0), and they only have the kernel info in uname, and the
distribution info in /etc/issue.


Yeah, you're right. I was looking at it on gentoo, here's what it says:

# uname -a
Linux 2.4.19-gentoo #1 Mon Apr 29 14:24:34 PDT 2002
i686 GenuineIntel

A quick look made me think it was giving the distro, but closer inspection
reveals that gentoo is part of the kernel name.


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