I keep a list of projects I thought would be fun to work on some day
using Ruby. I don't have time to tinker too much these days. Maybe they
will spark someone's interest.
* ncurses calendar/todo (like ccal.py)
* Computer Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) in Rails
* PLC ladder logic simulator/trainer
* Logic gate simulator
* E-furby/virtual pet
* e-mail directory/file maintenance/archiver
* Gravity Graph game simulator - (where pendulum swings and draws in a
bed of sand)
* Spirograph simulator
* Networked M*nopoly game
* console system admin tool
* Lemonade stand simulator
* mutt mail program configurator
* network stats and graphs
* reverse mirror (publish web sites)
* Battleship game
* Bill scheduler and account balancer
using Ruby. I don't have time to tinker too much these days. Maybe they
will spark someone's interest.
* ncurses calendar/todo (like ccal.py)
* Computer Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) in Rails
* PLC ladder logic simulator/trainer
* Logic gate simulator
* E-furby/virtual pet
* e-mail directory/file maintenance/archiver
* Gravity Graph game simulator - (where pendulum swings and draws in a
bed of sand)
* Spirograph simulator
* Networked M*nopoly game
* console system admin tool
* Lemonade stand simulator
* mutt mail program configurator
* network stats and graphs
* reverse mirror (publish web sites)
* Battleship game
* Bill scheduler and account balancer