Phil Cooper-king
Hi I've been doing rails for a while, which was really my first
introduction to ruby. I've found my self using ruby more and more and
keep amazing my self about how cool it is, although I've got a few
questions, or rather holes in my ruby knowledge, from rails doing a lot
of stuff for you I think.
1. What does a double colon do in terms of class inheritance. ie.
GameWindow < Gosu::Window ?
2. Why would you want to use nested classes?
3. Is it bad practice to define constance out of classes?
4. How/Can you delete instance variables or objects?
introduction to ruby. I've found my self using ruby more and more and
keep amazing my self about how cool it is, although I've got a few
questions, or rather holes in my ruby knowledge, from rails doing a lot
of stuff for you I think.
1. What does a double colon do in terms of class inheritance. ie.
GameWindow < Gosu::Window ?
2. Why would you want to use nested classes?
3. Is it bad practice to define constance out of classes?
4. How/Can you delete instance variables or objects?