From: (e-mail address removed) (matt)
Subject: Ruby/Tk - TkComposite
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 10:19:02 +0900
Message-ID: said:
Are there any good pointers on where to learn how to make new Tk
Widgets? I'm not a Tk guy, and I've been using Ruby/Tk for only about
a week and a half (so I'm making okay stuff, but not even near
There are some samples in 'ext/tk/sample' directory of Ruby source
'tkmulticolumnlist.rb', 'tkmultilistbox.rb', tkmultilistframe.rb',
and 'tktextframe.rb' use TkComposite module. 'tkalignbox.rb' and
'tkballoonhelp.rb' don't use the module.
When create a new widget class, you shold make it as a daughter
class of TkWindow. If you want to use TkComposite module, note
@path, @epath, and 'delegate' method.
Each of @path and @epath keeps a Tk's widget path string.
General widgets keep same string on both of @path and @epath.
@path decides the receiver widget of method calls, and @epath
(returned by 'epath' method) is used by geometry managers.
A composite widget is a widget set layouted on a frame widget.
So, @epath of the composite widget has to denote the frame widget.
The composite widget's initializer overrided by TkComposite module
create a frame widget (kept on @frame) as a container, and set
@path and @epath to the path name of the frame widget. After that,
the initializer calls 'initialize_composite' method. In the
'initialize_composite' method, you will create widgets as parts
of the composite widget and set @path to the pathname of one of
the widgets.
'delegate' method is used to make easier for controlling options
of contained widgets. 1st argument of the method is a name of
the widget option, and others are widgets to change the option
simultaneously. For example, on 'tktextframe.rb',
delegate('DEFAULT', @text)
delegate('background', @frame, @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
delegate('activebackground', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
delegate('troughcolor', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
delegate('repeatdelay', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
delegate('repeatinterval', @h_scroll, @v_scroll)
delegate('borderwidth', @frame)
delegate('relief', @frame)
When the configure method of the composite widget is called
(e.g. widget['troughcolor'] = 'yellow'), the option name is
searched on the delegate table of the widget. If find it,
configure all widgets of the list defined by 'delegate' method
(e.g. configure 'troughcolor', both of @h_scroll and @v_scroll
are changed about the option). If cannot find the definition,
'DEFAULT' entry is used.
When not include TkComposite module, note @path and 'epath' method.
Although sample 'tkalignbox.rb' and 'tkballoonhelp.rb' override
'initialize' method, you can define an initializer by overriding
'create_self' method. The following is one of the simple examples.
require 'tk'
class Button_with_Frame < TkButton
def create_self(keys)
@frame = TkFrame.new('widgetname'=>@path, 'background'=>'yellow')
install_win(@path) # create new @path which is a daughter of old @path
@epath = @frame.path
def epath
text=>'QUIT', :command=>proc{exit}) {