is this possible? i'm running in to LoadErrors and i've done all of
the things that are suppose to get around this problem...
the things that are suppose to get around this problem...
is this possible? i'm running in to LoadErrors and i've done all of
the things that are suppose to get around this problem...
we are running our scripts fine on windows server 2003 (standard) and
we are moving to windows server 2008R2 (standard).
we are using ruby 1.8.6, rubygems 1.3.4 with the following gems:
activesupport (2.3.2, 2.2.2)
archive-tar-minitar (0.5.2)
builder (2.1.2)
color (1.4.0)
commonwatir (1.6.2)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
etc (0.2.0)
firewatir (1.6.2)
fxri (0.3.6)
fxruby (1.6.19, 1.6.12)
hoe (1.8.2)
hpricot (0.6.164)
pdf-reader (0.7.5)
pdf-toolkit (0.49)
pdf-writer (1.1.8)
rake (0.8.7, 0.8.4)
rspec (1.1.11)
rubyforge (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
rubyzip (0.9.1)
s4t-utils (1.0.4)
safariwatir (0.3.7)
transaction-simple (1.4.0)
user-choices (1.1.6)
watir (1.6.2)
win32-api (1.4.0)
win32-clipboard (0.4.3)
win32-dir (0.3.2)
win32-eventlog (0.4.6)
win32-process (0.6.0)
windows-api (0.3.0)
windows-pr (1.0.2)
xml-simple (1.0.12)
the error is occurring right at the start of our script and is:
MaintMenu.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- watir (LoadError)
from MaintMenu.rb:1
setting RUBYOPT doesn't seem to help either...
note: i reiterate: the scripts work fine on 2003...
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