I've been poking my nose into some Java books over the last week. Java
Web Start applications seem like the coolest thing. From what I
understand when you click an app link on a web page you automatically
download not just the java app but also java if you don't have the
correct version installed. Then the application runs locally on your
computer. This sounds like it could be much better then a database
admin website and having to download admin web pages and images and css
and javascript files over and over. Even compared to AJAX, a dedicated
desktop app that can talk to the remote database would be faster. And
with Java Web Start when the java app is updated on the original
website, the next time you run the app it is automatically updated.
Does Ruby Web Start exist or is it being developed?
This sounds like the future to me.
I've been poking my nose into some Java books over the last week. Java
Web Start applications seem like the coolest thing. From what I
understand when you click an app link on a web page you automatically
download not just the java app but also java if you don't have the
correct version installed. Then the application runs locally on your
computer. This sounds like it could be much better then a database
admin website and having to download admin web pages and images and css
and javascript files over and over. Even compared to AJAX, a dedicated
desktop app that can talk to the remote database would be faster. And
with Java Web Start when the java app is updated on the original
website, the next time you run the app it is automatically updated.
Does Ruby Web Start exist or is it being developed?
This sounds like the future to me.