Regarding the Ruwiki vs Instiki, etc -- do any support the idea of
optionally requiring a username/password to post? I generally like
the idea of running Wiki's in place of home pages, and would want
a system that only I could edit... Apache level games to make
this happen would be perfectly fine (htaccess). It's a little
hard for me to tell my reading docs, I guess the next step is to
just install both and try it.
Yes, but in Ruwiki I do not at this point have an authentication
mechanism which detects Apache/htaccess login detection. If you want
to add one, see the GForge authenticator[1] for the first
authenticator -- but remember that the authentication API is
unstable. Using this will enable you to have the edit button appear
only when authorized users are enabled.
Instiki is, IMO, less suitable for most homepage replacements
because it requires a full-time process rather than a CGI. (It can
do CGI with a proxy, but it still requires a full-time process.)
I cannot promise a lot of support between now and the new year for
Ruwiki, but I will attempt to answer any questions you have, at
least until I go to Cuba.
[1] lib/ruwiki/auth/gforge.rb