Kevin Howe
I've been contemplating using Ruby for an upcoming large project, but became
concerned when I learned that the next versions of Ruby (1.9, 2.0) will
include sweeping backwards-incompatible changes (ref:
http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?Rite). Does this not raise some concern with
Ruby developers? There seems to be little talk about this on the mailing
lists, but it's a considerable issue for projects running in full production
concerned when I learned that the next versions of Ruby (1.9, 2.0) will
include sweeping backwards-incompatible changes (ref:
http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?Rite). Does this not raise some concern with
Ruby developers? There seems to be little talk about this on the mailing
lists, but it's a considerable issue for projects running in full production