Jacob said:
Well, I think that's what the OP was referring to, whether any
browsers supported it "Out of the Box". While RubyScript is cool and
great, it's not very useful for a public site if you have to hope the
users have installed the plugin first.
What we need, rather -- since we're pretty much stuck with JavaScript
as the defacto standard -- is to continue to publicize the libraries
like Prototype that make working with JavaScript much more palatable
and, in some ways, Rubyesque.
The poorly-named Prototype.js helps hide developer interaction with
JavaScript; you learn a set of library-specific calls, and you're done.
You don't need to know much actual JavaScript, just someone's idea of a
suitable API.
People who are going to write client-side Web code should just learn
JavaScript. It isn't hard, it offers many things found in Ruby, and
you'll know what your code is doing, and why, without loading 47k of
library code before you've even started. Learn what JavaScript's
'prototype' is and what it can do. (Casual browsing of some JavaScript
books, though, suggest that most authors don't even mention 'prototype',
and tend to teach the language as if it were some Java or C variant. Sad.)
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