Paul Vudmaska
I'm testing a new host. All is not so great. It is bsd. I'm kind of new
to unix.
* [Download]
<http://rubyforge.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=126> RubyGems
* check
* Unpack the distribution (zip or tar.gz)
* check
* cd rubygems-version.number
* yep
* /made myself super use/r
* ruby install.rb (NOTE: You'll need to have write access to your
Ruby site_library directory).
The install of gems seemed to go ok.(i dont remember the message
exactly but it was positive)
But when running
#>gem -Rl
#>env: ruby: No such file or directory
I've restarted my terminal in case there was a path problem.
I've got these aliases in .cshrc
alias ruby /usr/local/bin/ruby18
alias irb /usr/local/bin/irb18
If that makes a difference.
Anyway, thanks.
to unix.
* [Download]
<http://rubyforge.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=126> RubyGems
* check
* Unpack the distribution (zip or tar.gz)
* check
* cd rubygems-version.number
* yep
* /made myself super use/r
* ruby install.rb (NOTE: You'll need to have write access to your
Ruby site_library directory).
The install of gems seemed to go ok.(i dont remember the message
exactly but it was positive)
But when running
#>gem -Rl
#>env: ruby: No such file or directory
I've restarted my terminal in case there was a path problem.
I've got these aliases in .cshrc
alias ruby /usr/local/bin/ruby18
alias irb /usr/local/bin/irb18
If that makes a difference.
Anyway, thanks.