George Sakkis
The S-expression parser below works, but I wonder if it can be simplified; it's not as short and
straightforward as I would expect given the simplicity of S-expressions. Can you see a simpler
non-recursive solution ?
# usage
def parseSexpression(expression):
subexpressions,stack = [],[]
for token in re.split(r'([()])|\s+', expression):
if token == '(':
new = []
if stack:
elif token == ')':
try: stack.pop()
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Unbalanced right parenthesis: %s" % expression)
elif token:
try: stack[-1].append(token)
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Unenclosed subexpression (near %s)" % token)
if stack:
raise ValueError("Unbalanced left parenthesis: %s" % expression)
if len(subexpressions) > 1:
raise ValueError("Single s-expression expected (%d given)" % len(subexpressions))
return subexpressions[0]
Haiku of the day:
"The Web site you seek / Can not be located but / Countless more exist. "
straightforward as I would expect given the simplicity of S-expressions. Can you see a simpler
non-recursive solution ?
# usage
ValueError: Unenclosed subexpression (near e)parseSexpression("(a (b c) (d))") ['a', ['b', 'c'], ['d']]
parseSexpression("(a (b c)) (d))") ValueError: Unbalanced right parenthesis: (a (b c)) (d))
parseSexpression("(a ((b c) (d))") ValueError: Unbalanced left parenthesis: (a ((b c) (d))
parseSexpression("(a (b c)) (d)") ValueError: Single s-expression expected (2 given)
parseSexpression("(a (b c)) e")
def parseSexpression(expression):
subexpressions,stack = [],[]
for token in re.split(r'([()])|\s+', expression):
if token == '(':
new = []
if stack:
elif token == ')':
try: stack.pop()
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Unbalanced right parenthesis: %s" % expression)
elif token:
try: stack[-1].append(token)
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Unenclosed subexpression (near %s)" % token)
if stack:
raise ValueError("Unbalanced left parenthesis: %s" % expression)
if len(subexpressions) > 1:
raise ValueError("Single s-expression expected (%d given)" % len(subexpressions))
return subexpressions[0]
Haiku of the day:
"The Web site you seek / Can not be located but / Countless more exist. "