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In the history realm, does wirble do more than just enabling readline?
I use it for colorization and that, but haven't been able to figure out
much else.
I also emailed you a couple of times to see if you wanted to join forces
with Nick and I, but got no response. It occurs to me now that maybe
they didn't make it through?
I just checked through my spam folder from last month and I didn't see
anything from you. What address did you email (I'm trying to figure out
if I'm losing mail or if the messages got routed to some other folder).
Anyway, I'm interested in collaberating, or, at the very least,
borrowing your guys' hard work and shamelessly rolling it in to Wirble
PS. As of October, I'm officially over 30k spam messages per month --
Paul Duncan <
[email protected]> pabs in #ruby-lang (OPN IRC)
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