Saving ASP output to HTML file on the server


William Morris

We have a number of clients using a web application. Each client sees a
slightly different version of, say, a contact input page. As a simple
example, Client #1 sees demographics, plus religious preference and race;
Client #2 sees demographics, plus veteran's status and race, but not
religion; client #3 sees only demographics. The forms don't change much,
but they do change from time to time as clients add or subtract fields.

Each of these different versions are built from a database table which
describes each form for each client. When the server is under extremely
heavy load, the db-built forms slow down some reaching the client machines.
Because most of our clients are coming from a desktop world, they want to
see the forms load as quickly as possible.

I've taken to saving the html source from the asp files to HTML files, named
for their function and the relevant employee id, i.e. contact1234.html.
When contact.asp loads for employee 1234, it looks for the corresponding
HTML file and loads it if it finds it, or continues as normal if it doesn't.
That's fine for the number of clients that we have now, but as more come
online, this process is going to become unmanageable in a real hurry.

What I'd like is to be able to click a button at the bottom of a page and
have the file generated automatically. I've experimented with the method
shown at

and it works great as long as nothing dependant on session is involved. Our
app uses a few session variables, and any processing that depends on that
fails as the XML object does its thing.

I'd appreciate any insight I can get.

- Wm

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