Bengt said:
I just started on python.
I have c:\python23\examples\py
and want to include that in my sys.path
How to do it permanently?
In addition to Tim's suggestion, you can also use
".pth" files, as documented primarily in the comments
at the top of c:\python23\lib\
I find this a cleaner approach than PYTHONPATH,
though the latter might be better for one-shot
situations where you want to affect only one console
window and all future ones.
(In a nutshell, create a file called somename.pth,
being careful to use a *lowercase* .pth instead of .PTH,
and stick it in c:\python23. Put the paths that
you want in sys.path into that file, one per line,
such as "c:\python23\examples" without the quotes...)