David Rasmussen
Steven said:What *you* call huge and what *Python* calls huge may be very different
indeed. What are you calling huge?
I'm not saying that it is too big for Python. I am saying that it is too
big for the systems it is going to run on. These files can be 22 MB or 5
GB or ..., depending on the situation. It might not be okay to run a
tool that claims that much memory, even if it is available.
That would be nice
But you misunderstand me...
You have to read the file into memory at some stage, otherwise how can you
see what value the bytes are?
I haven't said that I would like to scan the file without reading it. I
am just saying that the .count() functionality implemented into strings
could just as well be applied to some abstraction such as a stream (I
come from C++). In C++, the count() functionality would be separated as
much as possible from any concrete datatype (such as a string),
precisely because it is a concept that is applicable at a more abstract
level. I should be able to say "count the substring occurences of this
stream" or "using this iterator" or something to that effect. If I could say
print file("filename", "rb").count("\x00\x00\x01\x00")
(or something like that)
instead of the original
print file("filename", "rb").read().count("\x00\x00\x01\x00")
it would be exactly what I am after. What is the conceptual difference?
The first solution should be at least as fast as the second. I have to
read and compare the characters anyway. I just don't need to store them
in a string. In essence, I should be able to use the "count occurences"
functionality on more things, such as a file, or even better, a file
read through a buffer with a size specified by me.
Here is another thought. What are you going to do with the count when you
are done? That sounds to me like a pretty pointless result: "Hi user, the
file XYZ has 27 occurrences of bitpattern \x00\x00\x01\x00. Would you like
to do another file?"
It might sound pointless to you, but it is not pointless for my purposes
If you must know, the above one-liner actually counts the number of
frames in an MPEG2 file. I want to know this number for a number of
files for various reasons. I don't want it to take forever.
If you are planning to use this count to do something, perhaps there is a
more efficient way to combine the two steps into one -- especially
valuable if your files really are huge.
Of course, but I don't need to do anything else in this case.