cyber science
Scientists First To Image 'Anatomy' Of A Molecule
ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2009) — IBM scientists have been able to image
the “anatomy” -- or chemical structure -- inside a molecule with
unprecedented resolution, using a complex technique known as
noncontact atomic force microscopy.The results push the exploration of
using molecules and atoms at the smallest scale and could greatly
impact the field of nanotechnology, which seeks to understand and
control some of the smallest objects known to mankind.
ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2009) — IBM scientists have been able to image
the “anatomy” -- or chemical structure -- inside a molecule with
unprecedented resolution, using a complex technique known as
noncontact atomic force microscopy.The results push the exploration of
using molecules and atoms at the smallest scale and could greatly
impact the field of nanotechnology, which seeks to understand and
control some of the smallest objects known to mankind.