I found this scroller on Dynamic Drive and have added it to my site -
It works great, apart from, see when its finished going through the
content, it has a moments pause before starting again? I need it to be
constant. So as soon as the last paragraph starts scrolling up, the
first one appears straight underneath (so you will never see a white
I can't find anything in the code that's making it stop after it's
gone through the content, and then start again.
For the record, I have changed the following settings -
var delayb4scroll=0 //Specify initial delay before marquee starts to
scroll on page (2000=2 seconds)
var marqueespeed=2 //Specify marquee scroll speed (larger is faster
var pauseit=1 //Pause marquee onMousever (0=no. 1=yes)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I found this scroller on Dynamic Drive and have added it to my site -
It works great, apart from, see when its finished going through the
content, it has a moments pause before starting again? I need it to be
constant. So as soon as the last paragraph starts scrolling up, the
first one appears straight underneath (so you will never see a white
I can't find anything in the code that's making it stop after it's
gone through the content, and then start again.
For the record, I have changed the following settings -
var delayb4scroll=0 //Specify initial delay before marquee starts to
scroll on page (2000=2 seconds)
var marqueespeed=2 //Specify marquee scroll speed (larger is faster
var pauseit=1 //Pause marquee onMousever (0=no. 1=yes)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.